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Author Topic: Mouse latency when using NVIDIA 3D Vision in steam version  (Read 4228 times)


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Mouse latency when using NVIDIA 3D Vision in steam version
« on: July 09, 2011, 08:41:33 AM »
It might just be a problem when the game is running as slow as 14-24fps but otherwise it appears that all the mouse updates are not read between rendering each frame and if I move the mouse around and then stop it will keep on moving for multiple seconds after the mouse stopped.

Dan Dixon

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Re: Mouse latency when using NVIDIA 3D Vision in steam version
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2011, 02:37:36 PM »
The mouse cursor that is used, even in Fullscreen hardware mode, is a windows cursor and should be fairly responsive even if your frame rate is really low. I'm at a bit of a loss as to how I would fix that.

The mouse movements are read on a separate thread so that you don't lose clicks even if the frame rate is at 1 FPS, perhaps this feature is causing the problem.

Is it a problem when the frame rate is higher?

Press Alt+F to show the frame rate in the upper left corner.


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Re: Mouse latency when using NVIDIA 3D Vision in steam version
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2011, 06:30:01 AM »
I have managed to narrow down the problem.

It appears to be unrelated to framerate. Before loading a simulation I can achieve 60fps in 3D Vision mode but the problem still occurs. A more normal fps during simulation might be 20-25fps.

When using a normal 125hz usb mouse that I borrowed from my dads computer the mouse is responsive even in 3D Vision mode. My normal mouse is a 1000hz Zowie mouse and normally in 2D mode it works well but when enabling 3D Vision the mouse cursor smoothly follows the mouse motions but gets more and more out of date compared with the real mouse and it might take 0.5 seconds after the mouse stops until the mouse cursor stops on screen.

I appear to have narrowed it down to the combination of 3D Vision and 1000hz mouse.
For reference I have had no mouse problems in Civilization V using the same mouse and 3D Vision so it should be able to work.