A replacement saturn with rings as part of the model (it is also squashed down slightly at the poles)
you need a lot of particles in the normal rings to get it looking good and it bugs me to see saturn going round sans rings .

it took a lot of trial and error to get this looking half way decent
the big problem in this was getting a single image to wrap onto a sphere and the rings
so the texture on the planet body is in no way accurate
there's really 2 maps using the same texture both planar in the Z axis, the map on the sphere is just scaled a lot bigger so it only uses the middle of the texture image.
the gaps in the rings aren't accurate either it was more a proof of concept thing.
Can US use alpha maps? it would be nice to have some transparency but i couldn't figure out how (if it can be done) so thats why i cut out some gaps on the disc.
in case you don't know.
put both files into my documents/universe sandbox/media.
then add saturn as normal within US and select it (or load one of the saturn simulations)
from the tabs on the right select physical properties (the 2nd tab)
type in rings.png for texture
and saturn.x for the model
Edit:I just noticed that because the ring is on the orbital plane
any of saturns moons that orbit inside the rings are effectively cut in half
this eventually leads to them getting thrown out of the system.
I will edit the ring part and move it down slightly (not enough to be noticed but enough to hopefully stop that from happening)