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Author Topic: Placement problems  (Read 14779 times)


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Placement problems
« on: April 30, 2011, 07:23:41 AM »
i just installed my steam version of this game and at first it worked quite well but now i can't palce anything freely.
As an example: i try to place a galaxy but instead of palcing it where my mouse points it places it somewhat of at the front bottom of the screen. its hard to describe the problem how it happens because it seems to be an error with the coordinates.
i'm not quite sure if i can describe it correctly but i will try it this way: i pont with my mouse at the center of my new empty sandbox and want to place an Andromeda galaxy. lets say i point at x=0 y=0 z=0. but the game wants to set the galaxy (and dispalys it) way below and in the front (of my monitor when i rotate the view it still wants to go there) at x=0 y=-1000 z=-100. (since there are no coordinates ingame, or at least it doesn't display em i just can give random numbers to point out my problem)
this goes on whatever i do: when i want to palce a sun in the misplaced galaxy it also wents elsewhere in the front bottom of the screen. and when i want to grab and move them in the right position they just get dragged more into the front -.-

pls help me fix that problem.

alos there seems to be an error with orbits. during the first attempts where i hadn't the mouse problem my sun orbited perfectly around my milkyway but my earth also wanted to orbit the milkyway. clicking on the earth would tell me that it was orbiting around the sun. but no chance. the just drifted next to each other aroudn the milkyway. and yes they where far enough away from the center of the galaxy. this happens sometimes with my moons, too. sometimes they orbit the planet and soemtimes the sun even if telling me that they would orbit the planet.

if necessary i can upload a dxdiag.


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Re: Placement problems
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2011, 08:10:41 AM »
About the coordinates:
You can view the coordinates of objects (see my first attached image). You can change these, even though changing the coordinates of galaxies will only move the body at the center, which has the mass, but let the particles (stars) stay in place.

About the orbits, when something orbits something else orbiting a third thing, the orbit won't appear to be round because the object it orbits is moving itself. It will look like a line zigzagging forth and back around the object orbiting the third object (second attached image).
You can verify the orbits by setting the second object (which orbits something else and also has something else orbiting itself) the object which the trails are centered on, in my example (picture 3) the Moon, which I've centered, so it's clear that Pallas orbits the Moon, which orbits the Earth.


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Re: Placement problems
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2011, 08:27:59 AM »
i just installed my steam version of this game and at first it worked quite well but now i can't palce anything freely.
As an example: i try to place a galaxy but instead of palcing it where my mouse points it places it somewhat of at the front bottom of the screen. its hard to describe the problem how it happens because it seems to be an error with the coordinates.

I'm having similar problems.

When ever i place a body it is no where near where I clicked. Infact the body I am placing most of the time is not even under my cursor, but off the screen somewhere. I'll try to grab a video of it going wrong.


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Re: Placement problems
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2011, 08:35:29 AM »
but unfortunately it didn't help me. i looked up the coordinates for my galaxy in a complete new sandbox. the default coordinate i poitn on should be 0,0,0 but after placement it looks like in my attached pictures:

Too orbiting: it didn't look like that for me they were flying parallel to each other or next to each other. looked like the moon was orbiting the sun also it said it was orbiting the earth. cant make a screenshot of that cause i cant place them next too each other anymore -.-


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Re: Placement problems
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2011, 08:41:32 AM »
but unfortunately it didn't help me. i looked up the coordinates for my galaxy in a complete new sandbox. the default coordinate i poitn on should be 0,0,0 but after placement it looks like in my attached pictures:

This is exactly the same problem as I am having.


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Re: Placement problems
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2011, 09:04:09 AM »
You could try to launch the body at 0 m/s, then it should be placed exactly where you view the simulation from/from your position in the universe. The button is highlighted in a picture below.


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Re: Placement problems
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2011, 09:15:16 AM »

This is exactly the same problem as I am having.

here is a video of me trying to make 2 simulations:


(watch in 720p)

in both the initial placement of the first body is far away from the click point then after that, further bodies are not at the location of the cursor. Using Launch mode makes no difference.


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Re: Placement problems
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2011, 12:37:22 PM »

Interestingly I uninstalled the application, deleted all the settings from the AppData folder, and re-installed.

After this, it seemed to work as expected and I was able to make 1 simulation with a planet around the sun,
but after that it has gone back to not working correctly and nothing is placed where I click.

Any ideas?


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Re: Placement problems
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2011, 01:44:37 PM »

Interestingly I uninstalled the application, deleted all the settings from the AppData folder, and re-installed.

After this, it seemed to work as expected and I was able to make 1 simulation with a planet around the sun,
but after that it has gone back to not working correctly and nothing is placed where I click.

Any ideas?

Sorry to keep replying to my own posts, but this issue seems to be releated to "Edit mode", If I keep the simulation in "Live Mode" it seems to work, but if I click on "Edit Mode" then its starts to place the bodies in wierd places...

What is it that edit mode does? Have I misunderstood something?

Dan Dixon

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Re: Placement problems
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2011, 01:55:15 PM »
I'm sorry you're having this problem. That look frustrating. Admittedly galaxy placement is known to be buggy, but it should work with stars or planets.

This is great info for trying to diagnose this problem.

Given the unexpected success of the Steam launch I'm a little overwhelmed trying to track down crashes and startup issues, so it might be a week or so before I can get to fixing this problem.

The video is so helpful, that it works in live move but not edit mode is really helpful.

Please continue to post as you discover new twists on the problem.

Edit mode is basically the same as hitting pause + grid. Does it act this way if you pause it (with the space bar) and not explicitly enter Edit mode?

And thanks Bla for all the great images and help on this post.


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Re: Placement problems
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2011, 02:10:00 PM »
Thanks for the reply Dan,

Just hitting pause causes it to go wrong, and has nothing to do with the grid being displayed. I find if i slow the simualtion to real time i can work on the sumulation.

It feels like that in paused mode the camera is in the wrong place (or it wont move to the right place)


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Re: Placement problems
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2011, 02:11:32 PM »
I can affirm that it works in live mode but not in edit mode. it also works when i pause the game and stay in live mode. i just tried it with a galaxy one sun and 3 planets. it alos seems now to work with the orbiting. it just has to run fo a few minutes till it shows the right pathes. so i just have to play in pause during live mode^^
another question: how can i use the 3D options correctly? do i need  3d glasses or something  ???

Dan Dixon

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Re: Placement problems
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2011, 03:29:34 PM »