You know what else is life? Bacteria. You know that disinfectant you use? Don't. Because it's killing what life there could be in all those splitting bacteria.
OMG! U'r smart and I'm sure you can do 1000 times better than this one. Comparing a human with his or her 6x trillion cells to a single cell organism is absolutely fail. This was fail Atomic. After all we are talking about our race, not dogs, cats, monkeys or amoebas. Just to be clear, if it is not already, a guy working at a slaughter house MUST have some "difficulties" in slicing a babies throat, but not a cows one, or no difficulties when using deodorant for that matter.
I don't see how you can't be for state control, when you complain about all the big wig money makers. Resources (the acquiring, and use of) would be managed by the government, not private companies.
You are misled here, I believe is because you have the wrong belief that governments are there to help the populace. This is not the case. Governments are the rich, organizing their control of the wealth and resources. Why is that your parents probably pay more taxes than Ted Tuner, that labeled us as "useless eaters"?! I'll leave you with that.
1. All life forms contain deoxyribonucleic acid, which is called DNA.
2. All life forms have a method by which they extract energy from their surroundings and convert it into energy that sustains them.
3. All life forms can sense changes in their surroundings and respond to those changes.
4. All life forms reproduce.
Fetus, aka baby, aka unborn, aka human LIFE:
1 - Check
2 - Check
3 - Check
4 - Check
Making my case sir?!
A coldly call fetus, or unborn LIFE, has the acids, extract energy from it's surroundings (as good as 3 yrs old would do, no arguing with that), they respond INSIDE their mothers to stress, sound, touch, etc, and they ARE able to reproduce, even tho just like with 3 yrs olds, they yet don't posses the proper knowledge to do that.
Nothing changed from our last exchange.
"I can conclude that they are life." Yes you indeed ARE! Making my case that is.. Thank you.
... in the late 1970s and early 1980s, agricultural corporations started pushing for people to think of healthy as eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and grains ...
True. And then along came Monsanto. Monopolies are just unfair tuto? Check this company out then. They OWN you. Almost everybody in some sense is Monsanto's slave. If they so decide, they can halt food production and create a caos the world has never seen. Billions of people would die. I see that as live given nutritional enslavement. And nutritional is a joke when thrown in together with the frankenfoods they do produce.
The history of the population of the world is not based on energy, but rather on available calories per person and proper medical care
Fail. No it is not. Available calories ARE DEPENDENT on ENERGY. No machines to pump water? No calories. No tractors to work the land? No calories. No Trucks to carry the huge loads? No calories. No energy to run hospitals? No medical system. No Oil? No tractors, no water, no transport. No life. 6 billion people in the planet own their lives to oil. This is simple math. Think this through.
Please stage for me a 6 billion people world that has no oil to move the machinery necessary to make all that food. The only answer some will probably come down to is manna. Manna or non existence. Oil gives you life. Oil, "makes" nutrients necessary to have huge farms as was never seen in the ancient world. Oil is OUR society.
"but instead it is due to that proper medicine spread throughout the world" Media jokes. :-) AIDS in africa. Another bad taste joke. Did you know for example that Bayer intentionally spread this virus in Europe and Asia, and probably Africa as well?!
Please please read more about medical industry and it's insanities. Please, I urge you! I'm on YOUR side, not theirs. I'm with YOU, not them. YOU are my brother.. not them. I want YOUR well being, not theirs.
These people are against complete industrialization, but they want a little bit so that they can have cheap jobs and other such goodies.
What I'll tell you is all me,I did not read this anywhere, but I came to this conclusion. I in part agree with you. What I believe the plan is, is to make everybody dependent. If you depend you are in check, controlled, enslaved. So if all major industries are concatenated in one place, all other places will be dependent in that industrialized area to go on. I think, at it's core, money is means to an end. But many think money is the end, so they devote their entire lives at meanings to this end, which in fact, is meaning to and end. Control that is.
If I try to make you knee by force, some day some one will step up and fight me. But if I convince you you own me money, you'll voluntarily put your head down to me, and fall to your knees. Think a lot about this. This is why I hate money! With my knowhow I surely could make at least 20 times more than I currently do, but I refuse that. I hate money and what it means, I use it as was supposed to be used, as a means to exchanged goods necessary to nourish my journey. That's it. I don't need to be a Bill Gates with his 100 Billion dollars. That's only means for controlling, and I need not or have the right to control no one.
It is a polluting source of energy that causes the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere
Darvi, get out of that box before you suffocate. No IT IS NOT! For this, I present you... the majestic, the megalith, the all powerful mighty SUN. Sun energy hit's the oceans, and the oceans in turn spell co2 into the atmosphere. CO2
SUCCEEDS heating. More sun energy, more heat, more heat, more co2. This isn't me talking, this is the most renowned and intelligent climatologists speaking. Exactly the ones that had their names put in some wacko list and as much as they ask not to be mentioned, they nevertheless are. This is why I mentioned Al Gore before, how he manipulated peoples minds using a little trick of sequencial events. CO2 concentrations SUCCEED higher earthly temperatures. So as they say, Sun goes nuts and powerful, that makes oceans and earth heat, that in turn releases co2 present in the oceans. co2 is a product of heat, not the other way around. At least not in our water rich planet.
It is currently sitting at 2013 and I have seen no horrible things happen which that article predicts.
You're young. Rush not these things... they will happen. It is a chess game, and the checkmate is soon to come. They predict that based on oil supply, but fear not, and worry a lot, the end of oil will be the end of all these humongous amounts of people. I dare you to steer 20 days of your life away from ALL things that made use oil to exist, including food. You simply can't. But try nevertheless, after all, it will only be 20 days of your hopefully thousands to come, and will give you a wider perspective of the world you live in.
If the media believes something, then unl0cker believes the opposite
No. Not what I said. You are mixing subjects for your own "cause". You are
manipulating my words, just like All Gore manipulated the scientific community words to create "his" heinous agenda 21 control grid.
The globalists are FOR Hitler. They CREATED Hitler. They financed him. But to make people like yourself oblivion to the truth, their media plays political correctness. After all, and bringing our last political discussion to the surface, no one likes a amoral person, institution, government, rule, etc.
Media IS a whore, it really doesn't mean a whore can sometimes make love instead of sex, if you know what I mean.
I'm gonna tell you how a few can control many. How can 200 "people" dictate the day by day of billions? They don't need to control them all directly. Take Henry Ford for example. He was the only car maker in the beginning. People wanted colorful cars, and he stated "cars can be any color, as long as they are black." Workers in that factory followed their "master's" orders to build black cars, and in turn huge populations had only black cars, despise their wishes to have a colorful one. One person then dictated thru his "system" aka factory the what you gonna get.
Same goes with governments. It is a pyramidal system, a thousands and thousands of years old pyramidal system of control. Control the head, you'll control the body. Really simple. If this was not true, all coups would fail, as the revolutioners never match the numbers of the peoples they are trying to get control over. Control the head...
The things coming out of the media are mostly garbage, and have the intent to steer you toward the desired direction. But doesn't mean you can't use this garbage, to identify the "gold".
If you have a freed mind, the lies will eventually lead you to the truth. Please, read David Rockefeller memoirs. To the freed eye, it is there, black on white, a literal confession.
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
This was enough for me to incite a huge curiosity around this family. To go and try to unveil the truth about what is behind all this.
the media is for the continuation of capitalism, as it is the only way for their sources of profit to continue.
Read you own words. How can you trust ME as a sales man, when all I want is to sale at any cost?! The media is there to "TEACH" you HOW to think, WHAT to think, and WHEN you think. Now if you could for a few weeks think the way they don't want you to, you'll rapidly find out that not only you are not thinking enough, but you are thinking about the wrong things.
We are becoming all autistic in a sense. We are smart enough to send men to orbit around the globe, but we are not capable of discerning really simple social situations. That to me is what autism is.
PBS indeed has some good pieces, but is part of the pyramidal system I mentioned, so watch with critical eyes, and not in REM state.
Protip: I wrote this in Notepad, only copypasted it back into USForum to post it.
Amen brother! Fck the cookies and it's monsters. I've learn now. ;-)
good idea, so if the internet broke you wouldn't have wasted a lot of time
I see the idea behind net as a censor mechanism. Nothing more. It is here and there is nothing you can do about it. So let's try to use it for OUR means, like we are doing here right now.