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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #90 on: June 07, 2011, 12:12:40 PM »
NeutronStar lives on an island!!!!!!!!


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #91 on: June 07, 2011, 12:17:22 PM »
Yeah ikr

(reupload because now we're on anthoer page and the picture wouldn't even upload)


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #92 on: June 07, 2011, 12:56:43 PM »
How do you turn a colony into a province?


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #93 on: June 07, 2011, 01:07:23 PM »
You keep sending colonists until it reaches 1000 people, making it into a province.


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #94 on: June 07, 2011, 01:09:47 PM »
How do you get land discovered?

Do you put a conquistador leading an army onto a ship led by an explorer and then how do they get off?

How do you put an army onto a ship anyway?

I'm stuck with Greenland's coast in Terra Incognita, and I need to make a province over there to get to NA... because it says it's too far.


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #95 on: June 07, 2011, 01:28:59 PM »
1. You wait until a new year because news for new land comes to you. Well, for me anyways. You could try moving an army to the terra icognita.
2. I suppose?
3. You put the fleet to the open sea and move the army to there.

Image #1
Sweden got owned.

Image #2
Map of the Danish Empire
« Last Edit: June 07, 2011, 01:48:14 PM by Naru523 »


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #96 on: June 07, 2011, 01:53:16 PM »
What things aren't in the demo?


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #97 on: June 07, 2011, 02:02:59 PM »
Lots of stuff.


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #98 on: June 07, 2011, 02:04:30 PM »
Lots of stuff.
Specify... I don't want to download it if it doesn't have the good things.


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #99 on: June 07, 2011, 02:24:17 PM »
Napolean's Ambition
Code: [Select]
    Expanded Timeline to 1822
    Leaders/Rulers/Advisors by event and historically
    Revolution and Revolutionary events (and new government types)
    New Revolution themed ideas
    Auto-send merchants
    Building a new COT
    Open markets overseas
    New Westernization events
    Colonial Range feature
    Moving your capital
    Improved Interface
    Options for AI Aggressiveness, free agents, putting inflation on gold or turning it off, spreads of discovery time for land and water provinces, and colonist size.
    Colour changes for several countries
    Many new countries all over the globe including Revolutionary France

In Nomine
Code: [Select]
Major additions

    The campaign now starts on 14 October 1399 (just after the coronation of Henry IV of England.) You can now play countries that went extinct before 1453 - notably the Byzantine Empire, but also Aydin, Aquileia, Galicia, the Jalayirids, Majapaphit, Achaea, Meissen, Polotsk, and Sukhothai. Tech levels have been changed to accommodate the new timeline.
    A new system for national and religious decisions replaces many of the random events in previous versions. Some of these replace special events like uniting a country; others let you get certain advantages if you meet the right preconditions.
    Countries now get missions to complete, such as the Ottoman mission to seize Istanbul. You can ignore them with no penalty, but there's usually some good bonuses if you carry them out.
    Rebels are a lot more detailed now. Each band of them now has their own cause, such as winning independence for their country or installing a pretender on your nation's throne. If you're feeling really weak, you can even give them what they want. If rebels can hold a country's capital for a while, the country is "broken" and the rebel demands automatically imposed.
    The AI is improved a lot... or at least, that's what the developers say. To be fair, it is better at attacking your armies (rather than focusing on sieges) and seems to make fewer really terrible decisions. The missions also help focus it as well. It's also more able to act historically, based on goals set in files for each AI player.
    Updated map includes 33 new provinces, mostly in Europe.


    Provincial decisions are choices you make on a local level. These usually involve some tradeoff, such as giving up a little tax income to reduce revolt risk in a province.
    National ideas have been overhauled, with several new ones. All the old NIs have some changed effect and/or different tech requirement.
    Slider effects are changed significantly. You also can now change your sliders with no stability hit, though patch 3.1 adds effects for each move which are often harmful. Time between slider changes now increases with the size of your country, though government is still important.
    The government types you can choose and their effects, incidentally, have been changed too. Republics now let you elect a new leader every few years, giving you some say over the new ruler's skills.
    Tribal governments are even worse - large tribal countries have a nasty secession crisis event when the leader dies, so they don't last too long without modernizing. Incidentally, version 3.1 makes it possible to get out of tribal government to a monarchy by event, though it's quite difficult to pull off for an African or American country.
    Lots of new advisors give lots of different bonuses.
    Government titles are now based on the country's culture and religion. This is purely cosmetic, but it's cool to have a Khanate.


    Religious tolerance sliders are gone, replaced by modifiers for tolerance of your religion, heretics (same religion group), and heathens (anyone else). These tolerance values are affected by your own religion, NIs, religious decisions, etc.
    Missionaries have been changed - now they hang out in a province until it's converted, with a fixed annual chance of success. An active missionary increases revolt risk by quite a bit. Their effectiveness is determined by their funding, via the Missionary Maintenance slider.
    The Papal Controller can now call for crusades (giving a bonus to everyone at war with the crusade's target) and excommunicate other Catholic rulers who aren't on good terms with the Church, which causes some prestige and reputation damage and cancels the stability penalty for the attackers sharing your religious group.
    No stability hit for declaring war on countries of another religion group. Deus Vult, which gave that benefit previously, is now Unam Sanctum, which now applies to countries in the same religious group.


    Trade goods now follow a supply and demand model. Each good is supplied based on a province's population and factors like it being looted. Demand is controlled by certain factors applied around the world - marketplaces will increase demand for spices, and countries at war will demand more iron.
    To make dominating trade a little harder, compete chance now decreases a little with every merchant placed in a CoT. Not that it's too difficult to monopolize all trade as the Netherlands, but it's at least a little harder. The cost of sending merchants is also increased, especially for centers outside your culture group.
    Inland CoTs are now less valuable, which helps a little with the AI spamming them everywhere.


    New spy missions: "Infiltrate Administration" to lift fog of war on the country, and "Tarnish Reputation" to damage prestige. 3.1 also adds missions to sponsor patriots, nationalists, and pretenders, who are all rebels friendly to you.
    Fabricate claims no longer gives you a core - instead, it gives you a year-long casus belli. Also, it's harder to make cores -- you must own a conquered province for 50 years to get a core. Getting cores via missions and decisions can be very important.
    Revamped Holy Roman Empire. Emperor has an automatic guarantee on all members, in addition to his large manpower and prestige bonuses. Electors will now decide who to vote for based on diplomacy - and in 3.1, this even works some of the time! Humans can also become an elector via event, though I'm not sure it has any diplomatic effects on other member states.
    Via provincial decisions, you can now join or leave the Empire.
    Prestige is a good deal more important - in addition to relations, it affects merchant compete chance, unit morale, yearly diplomats, stability costs, spy defence, trade income, fort defensiveness...


    Colonies now grow quickly on their own, under good conditions. Growth is affected by a Colonial Maintenance slider, as well as National Ideas, sliders, etc. You still need colonists to found one, and can send more colonists to increase the size of your colony.
    Only cores count for the purpose of determining colonial range. This means western European countries have an even greater advantage in colonizing the New World first.
    Uncolonized territories now produce an "unknown" trade good. Once you've had a colony established, an event will occur to cause some good to be produced there. See Regions and Colonial Trade Goods.
    Tariffs now constitute nearly all income from overseas cities. They take into account tax and production income from your provinces, but also depend on having a large navy - you'll lose some income if you don't have at least one big or small ship for every overseas colony you control.
    Pirates now pop up all over the place, blockading your ports like it's going out of style. This was really bad in IN 3.0, but the current patch makes it a little better. To counter them, you can now set your navies on patrol routes through sea zones, which decreases their spawning.
    Naval attrition is changed. Your ships won't get any attrition for ships in coastal provinces within your naval supply range (based on colonial range). Outside that range, there's a significant attrition penalty for ships in the open sea (not adjacent to any land) and a constantly increasing penalty for ships that haven't stopped at a friendly port in a while.


    War exhaustion mechanics changed: Wars don't give WE automatically anymore, instead it increases based on provinces occupied on your home continent, blockaded home ports, battle losses, attrition losses and war taxes. War Exhaustion now drains unit morale.
    Mercenaries nerfed: They no longer reinforce, take time to recruit (25% of normal units) and can be recruited on occupied territory. The mercenary pool consists of 1/2th infantry, 1/3th cavalry and 1/6th artillery. The amount of used mercenaries decreases the chances of getting new mercenaries in your pool. Getting new mercenaries for your pool is also based on prestige. Mercenaries are not affected by discipline.
    Toned reinforcements down: Only 50% reinforcement speed at hostile territory when adjacent to a friendly occupied province, only 10% speed at lack of supply line to a friendly occupied city, no reinforcements at all in empty provinces.
    Recruiting troops now takes longer in looted and blockaded provinces.
    Artillery provides 50% of its defensive values to the front rank if it is in the back.
    Zero morale troops in frontlines will be removed during a combat.
    A failed assault makes the garrisons recover morale now, and morale recovers for garrisons the same speed as for normal troops (maintenance!).
    It is no longer possible to retreat from a battle for the first 5 days. Armies whose morale collapses in the first 5 days and face more than double the amount of enemies will be eliminated.
    It is no longer legal to retreat towards a province with at least 5x your own force.
    Prestige, War Exhaustion and Tradition gains and losses are seen for the leaders country in end of combat view.
    Blockading affects war score at a scaling factor.
    It is shown in peace negotiations if the AI will accept or not.
    The cost for force releasing a country in a peace treaty has been significantly lowered.
    Capitals can be demanded in peace, provided they are isolated from the rest of the country.
    The AI will never propose or accept demands of >100 peace value.
    There is a new message when you sign peace due to the leader of your alliance signing it.
    Units can scorch owned provinces, applying a nasty modifier in order to hurt a strong invader.
    New buttons for land units: "Detach Mercenaries" and "Detach Siege Unit" (enough men to siege the current province).
    The declare war and call to arms confirm boxes now list all that may join the enemy in a war.
    It is no longer possible to declare war on other countries' vassals.
    The 'Casus belli will expire' indicator is shown with the expiration date in the tooltip.
    Friendly regiments now lower the revolt risk and minimum revolt risk in a province (at war and peace).
    Reinforcement rates and fort defensiveness values were added as tooltips.
    Localized army and navy names.

Heir to the Throne
Code: [Select]
    Being a Merchant Republic adds several options for managing trade leagues

        For example, Merchant Republics can acquire agreements with other nations to have all their trade with a resource only go through your centers of trade.
        A Merchant Republic now also has a special casus belli against anyone leaving their trade league, allowing them to demand gold or rejoining the trade league in the peace treaty without any negative impacts.

    The expansion also adds several powerful options for the nation being emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and/or Papal Controller.

        For example, playing successfully as Holy Roman Emperor will make it possible to use imperial authority over a long period of time to unite the whole HRE into a single nation.
        Imperial Authority can also be used to "Bestow Imperial Grace" towards a country, which is a very powerful diplomatic move to improve relations.

    The changed casus belli system now gives different effects to infamy, prestige and peace costs depending on which casus belli was stated when declaring war and if that casus belli allows for those specific demands in the peace treaty. There are twenty-nine different types. Some examples follow.

        "Reconquest" is the traditional casus belli.

        It can be used against any nation holding one of your core provinces.
        Demanding core provinces in the peace treaty of such a war you will result in no infamy, double prestige and these provinces cost half the normal value.

        "Religious Unity" is a new casus belli.

        It will activate for the Holy Roman Emperor if a nation refuses an imperial order for Religious Conformance.
        If this is the casus belli for a declaration of war you will get no infamy, twice the prestige and half the peace cost for demanding religious conversion in the peace treaty.

        "Imperialism" is another new casus belli.

        It will be a casus belli against any nation if you are a Revolutionary Empire, Revolutionary Republic, Enlightened Despotism, Republican Dictatorship or Absolute Monarchy.
        Since these are advanced government types, this casus belli will not be an option until late in the game.
        During peace treaty negotiations this casus belli does not change the prestige, but infamy and peace costs are both at three quarters the normal value.

    Advisors are now created by the player by spending the appropriate type of tradition points. Depending on the type of advisor the cost will be split between cultural, land and naval points.
    There are also new mapmodes to show revolt risk and colonial range (which also shows the new trade winds, speeding up ships using these).
    Several provinces were added in what was formerly Terra Incognita in Australia, Madagascar and Scandinavia. Also, the provinces in France and Russia have been rearranged.

Divine Wind
Code: [Select]
The Far East

    Japan divided in four Daimyos vying for control of the Shogunate
    China becomes a Celestial Empire with factions struggling for control 


    Default state for hordes is now war
    War with a horde will not cause war exhaustion
    Can spend colonists to civilize horde provinces

Trade & Buildings

    New building types
    Buildings cost magistrates
    Fort 5 & 6 now give 100% defense
    Trade range now controls which CoT's you can trade in
    Controlling the trade of Strategic resources will provide bonuses
    Bonus for controlling the majority of the worlds trade and/or production of a trade good

Diplomacy & War

    Ability to call allies into war when needed if you are the war leader
    Possibility of integrating countries you're in personal union with after 50 years

Sphere of Influence & Vassals

    Each country in the player's Sphere of Influence will now provide increased magistrates and diplomacy skill
    Sphere of Influence cost is scaled by amount of countries in it
    Sphere of Influence range is now the same as your trade range
    Vassals will no longer give military access to a country its master is at war with
    Masters can call on vassals in a war even if they're not the leader
    Half of a vassal's support limit will count towards its master's without subtracting from its own

Domestic policies

    Mercantilists receive trade bonuses for owning provinces
    Free traders receive increased merchant chance and greater range

The Holy Roman Empire

    Leaving the HRE is no longer a province decision
    When a HRE country inherits another country, the imperial provinces are automatically cored
    New peace option to force the Holy Roman Emperor to revoke the last decision


    Each rebel type now have their own unique flag
    Different rebel types will now fight each other


    Some province decisions becomes buildings but provinces decisions as a concept stay in the game
    Sea provinces have increased colonial distance
    New trade winds have been added and altered to make England closer to North America and the Iberian Peninsula closer to South America

Graphics and interface

    New map and unit textures
    New peace negotiation interface
    Imperial authority and papal influence is now displayed in the main interface
    Army size is now displayed on the map, similar to Victoria 2
    March 4th beta patch adds new map modes, to see fortification levels, province wealth, and other informations to more efficiently administrate your empire


    You will generally receive more magistrates than in HTTT
    Englands missions have been scaled back
    During development, the idea to increase the maximum storable envoys from 5 to 9[, was dropped. 5 remains the maximum in Divine Wind.
    The offensive "lose fort of go defensive" events have been changed to lower the defensiveness of a province
    National ideas rebalanced, including boosts for Bureaucracy and Bill of Rights.

Bug fixes

    The "open markets" bug in multiplayer is fixed


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #100 on: June 07, 2011, 02:27:54 PM »
Are these not in the game? So what?


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #101 on: June 07, 2011, 02:34:02 PM »
They're in the Chronicles; the vanilla EU3 with the four latest expansions, which me and Nue have.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2011, 04:35:12 PM by Naru523 »


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #102 on: June 07, 2011, 03:11:28 PM »
How do I get explorers?
Solved: I didn't play the tutorial, so I will do that right now.


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #103 on: June 07, 2011, 04:07:19 PM »
Lol Inca's have to get to level 1... fail...

I hope no one conquers me... I was at war with the Aztecs for like a year. :P


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #104 on: June 07, 2011, 04:35:48 PM »
I've been getting a lot of royal marriages in Europe lately..


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #105 on: June 07, 2011, 04:40:00 PM »
This is all we know...


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #106 on: June 07, 2011, 04:41:04 PM »
How do I get people in boats, like my army?


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #107 on: June 07, 2011, 04:50:01 PM »
How do I get people in boats, like my army?
It depends on your fleet size.


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #108 on: June 07, 2011, 04:57:42 PM »
Can you just tell me the ways to do so?

My rating so far: 5/10
The ease-of-use is low, but replay-ability is moderate.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2011, 05:06:22 PM by deoxy99 »


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #109 on: June 07, 2011, 05:16:27 PM »
I finally found the endgame for the demo. 1492-1521. Well, now I'm going to probably do it 2673 times over and over until I get it.


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #110 on: June 07, 2011, 05:47:20 PM »
Can you just tell me the ways to do so?

My rating so far: 5/10
The ease-of-use is low, but replay-ability is moderate.
Build more ships (note they take a long time).


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #111 on: June 07, 2011, 06:02:02 PM »
Note: Speed up the time, for goodness sake!


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #112 on: June 07, 2011, 06:05:34 PM »
YOu are annoying mostly.


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #113 on: June 07, 2011, 06:09:47 PM »
I kind of lost interest in the game after a while... With Sweden, there's no one that I can attack that won't bring me against 4 more nations... I got this Casus Belli, and I attacked that country so then I got 4 other countries on me, and then one of them was Denmark's ally... and I was Denmarks ally... but they attacked me anyway... it was odd.

With the Incas, they're level 0!!! Seriously!


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #114 on: June 07, 2011, 06:12:42 PM »
Than do Castille.


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #115 on: June 07, 2011, 06:13:14 PM »
Note: Speed up the time, for goodness sake!
It's based on realism.

I kind of lost interest in the game after a while... With Sweden, there's no one that I can attack that won't bring me against 4 more nations... I got this Casus Belli, and I attacked that country so then I got 4 other countries on me, and then one of them was Denmark's ally... and I was Denmarks ally... but they attacked me anyway... it was odd.

With the Incas, they're level 0!!! Seriously!

I would recommend building up your army first.


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #116 on: June 07, 2011, 06:13:34 PM »
No I started one with England but nothing really happened.


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #117 on: June 07, 2011, 06:14:34 PM »
Go do Ming (aka China).


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #118 on: June 07, 2011, 06:15:15 PM »


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Re: Europa Universalis III Chronicles and Rome
« Reply #119 on: June 07, 2011, 06:21:57 PM »
Do Iroquois