Yes but then I can't get achievements/ironman

Otherwise I'd use it.
Western hemisphere was randomly generated kol. I colonized most of it. Sadly one of them kept getting a high liberty desire and I released it near the end and it became Mexico.
I've read some reviews for the Common Sense expansion pack for EU4, and it looks rather bad. It seems nice with the development thing on the surface, especially since their patch was nice enough to put the development limit on number of buildings, but no way to increase it without buying the pack. That's a bit inconvenient. But from the reviews it also looks like it costs a lot of monarch points, and games tend to require a lot more monarch points to core provinces. So to me, it doesn't really look like it'll actually make the game better, as expanding already feels expensive enough. Maybe with the time mods that gives you plenty of time to expand and develop?
What are your experiences with it, if you have it?
Unlike a lot of the reviewers I haven't had a lot of problems with their new fort system and rebels. I just keep a lot of armies in areas with rebels about to attack which worked fine in my last game.
I'm also very interested in opinions on Art of War and El Dorado since I don't have those either.