I'll get the the point:
no religion = no Christmas (as well as most other holidays)
If you're going to say the world is better off without religion, you're going to have to look at more than just the negatives.
This person got 20 thumbs up. wtf.
watch?v=LUs4CkgJ_uQ because I don't want it embedded.
@ziwelpam You do realize Christmas existed long before Christianity, right? It was co-opted by the Christians hundreds of years later. So if Christians took an old holiday and made it their own, why couldn't atheists take Christmas and make it theirs? Seems fair to me. Really, your argument doesn't make any sense...
yay for this person
@ziwelpam That implies that the death of people and the distortion of reality can be made up for by a materialistic holiday that people only care about because of their constant greed. Why not just give presents to people without the need for a god?
Take my money.
I stopped reading the replies to my comment.
Almost all of them are ignorant retards.
Look who's talking. Pff-fff-tbahahahahahahaha.
So I made this comment:
@ziwelpam Look who's talking.
And then I felt a bit guilty so I made this one:
@ziwelpam I would have made a much more constructive and in-depth reply, but it appears to me that everyone else has pretty much the same point as I would have. To say the same thing again would be pointless as you are now doing the same thing that you have accused them of. I'm afraid all I have to say is you've been misinformed. It's sad.