You're making this harder than it has to be. Editing the Appearance.xml & LocalObjects.xml files are not necessary to use custom textures (and not recommended as your changes may be overwritten when a new version is released).
It's just two steps:
1 - Copy your jpg into the Media folder in documents:
(My) Documents\Universe Sandbox\Media
2 - Edit the bodies.xml file to include this line within the <body> tag of the body you want to use this texture with:
<texture>NK004- Rajin texture.jpg</texture>
And then drag and drop the saved xml file into the Universe Sandbox window to open it.
Future versions of Universe Sandbox will allow use of custom textures without editing xml files at all. Also planned is the ability to save textures in the ubox container files.
Not necissary to make the texture work, but note this problem:
In your bodies.xml file you refer to this:
<object>Rajin (NK004)</object>
... but you list the appearance info as:
Those are different.
Also, use (My) Documents\Universe Sandbox\Systems.
The folder changed in 2.0.14, it's now:
(My) Documents\Universe Sandbox\Simulations
You can place xml or ubox files here and they will show up in Open > My Simulations (inside Universe Sandbox).