Im about to make a solar system wich should have a habitable planet, but i dont know where to put this planet since the star isnt as big as our sun. So my suggestion is: A function that lets you display a 3 dimensional habital area (sphere shape) around your stars.
To the mathematical part:
I found a great article on wikipedia to this subject:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habitable_zoneSo far i think it would be easy to manage that, because its a really simple formula for getting the spheres diameter. But theres one problem wich maybe needs a change in the creating options of stars: In this formula is a term wich needs the bolometric luminosity of the star. (L

I hope this problem can be solved, maybe with a option wich lets you control the brightness of the star according to our sun. for example: 0.8 L
sunI hope you got my point. It would be really great not at least because the existence of life in other starsystems is one of the most interesting terms in modern science.
Theres also another term I thought about: As most of you surely know, there can also be habitable planets in binary or more-star systems. Now I think in thos systems its more complicated but not impossible to display the "habitable sphere". I think on just have to consider, that the rayintensity in the overlapping areas of the two star enviroments behave different, because theres the radiation of two stars.
So, would that be possible to manage? Would be sooooo great!
