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Author Topic: sattillites and asteroids and adding custom stuff in edit mode  (Read 3819 times)


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sattillites and asteroids and adding custom stuff in edit mode
« on: December 17, 2010, 03:52:11 PM »
a request.

could we have an option to be able to put into simulations various custom made objects. like instead of having to make a new xml ubox etc... file and stuff  we could have the model or planet or moon etc... in the appearence xml and from the ingame menus, (edit mode) we cold select those custom objects and place them like any other planet or moon or asteroid etc... so that for me (in my case anyways, could select the hubble space telescope and place it in orbit in the pre-made earth&moon simulation   

Dan Dixon

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Re: sattillites and asteroids and adding custom stuff in edit mode
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2010, 04:44:17 PM »
This is a great idea and on my list of improvements to implement.

Within the next few months I hope to release an update that will allow custom models, custom textures, and custom additions (new icons) to the add new body menus.

Also planned is being able to include custom models and textures in the ubox files.