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Author Topic: suggestion: Rotational ripping  (Read 2205 times)


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suggestion: Rotational ripping
« on: July 30, 2016, 02:27:30 AM »
Im not 100% sure if that is even possible in RL, but if it is, here is a suggestion:

You could implement a Mechanic, wich rips a Planet apart, if it spins to much and the crust reaches and exceeds escape velocity. Maybe it would also get heated up, before it fragments.

you basically just would have to make it the same with the roche fragmentation, just with the spin and gravity of the planet as trigger


  • Thomas Grønneløv
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Re: suggestion: Rotational ripping
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2016, 09:08:16 AM »
Im not 100% sure if that is even possible in RL, but if it is, here is a suggestion:

You could implement a Mechanic, wich rips a Planet apart, if it spins to much and the crust reaches and exceeds escape velocity. Maybe it would also get heated up, before it fragments.

you basically just would have to make it the same with the roche fragmentation, just with the spin and gravity of the planet as trigger

That is true and it has been considered for a while, since obviously an earth sized planet spinning once every second if not really realistic. Before actually disintegrating, it would flatten more and more, slow down due to momentum conservation and if it doesn't slow enough, it will start fragmenting on the edge, as you say.

It would not require escape velocity, though. Only an outwards "centrifugal force" greater than the gravitational acceleration.