[23:33] FloenneFocus why do i try so hard
[23:33] FloenneFocus actually i don't really
[23:33] FloenneFocus i still have too much free time
[23:33] Darvince why do i try so weak
[23:33] FloenneFocus i need to try harder
[23:34] FloenneFocus vincent wong
[23:34] TheMooCows I should probably try
[23:34] Yqt1001 trying is for the motivated
[23:34] TheMooCows or at least
[23:34] Yqt1001 care
[23:34] TheMooCows get my try meter back to 0
[23:34] Kalassak yqt that's accurate
[23:35] Darvince my try meter is at -1000
[23:35] TheMooCows ^
[23:35] Kalassak my try meter is at like
[23:35] FloenneFocus i need to motivate myself more
[23:35] Kalassak -250
[23:35] Yqt1001 I made one of my friends have to put up with a mini-rant I made completely about myself and how I hate not being able to do stuff I'm motivated to do
[23:35] Yqt1001 yesterday
[23:35] Yqt1001 didnt get a response lmao
[23:35] Darvince i literally do school because i get bored
[23:35] FloenneFocus my try capacity is probably like
[23:35] FloenneFocus 2000
[23:35] TheMooCows atomic you are -∞
[23:35] TheMooCows tbh
[23:35] FloenneFocus but i only try like
[23:35] FloenneFocus 350
[23:35] Kalassak hey
[23:35] Kalassak i worked on my lab report today
[23:35] TheMooCows "worked"
[23:35] Kalassak which is probably the first time in weeks
[23:36] Kalassak i've worked on it on monday
[23:36] Kalassak instead of tuesday
[23:36] FloenneFocus syule_ though
[23:36] Darvince syule_'s try is at like 3000
[23:36] Darvince tbh
[23:36] FloenneFocus yes i need to match him
[23:36] Yqt1001 kalassak I remember you saying "I should probably do my lab report" and then tmc and I talking on skype and me finding out you fell asleep like right after
[23:36] FloenneFocus he gets 11-16 hours of productivity a day
[23:36] Kalassak when was this
[23:36] Kalassak oh
[23:36] FloenneFocus ok more like 8
[23:37] Kalassak i napped
[23:37] Kalassak so i wouldn't be tired
[23:37] Yqt1001 I have been daydreaming so hard about working in the past few days
[23:37] Darvince why is there so much hot
[23:37] Kalassak sot hat i woulda ctually
[23:37] Kalassak have motivation
[23:37] Kalassak to work on it
[23:37] Kalassak and then i did
[23:37] Kalassak so i think it worked