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Author Topic: [BUG]Weird Invisible sun silhouette (ghost sun)  (Read 3795 times)


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[BUG]Weird Invisible sun silhouette (ghost sun)
« on: March 09, 2016, 06:41:04 AM »
Hello? Can someone please help me out? when I was playing Universe Sandbox on a level with no host star. It was after the nearest stars) Suddenly I saw a white glowing orb that can't be edited. I thought it was a feature then I leave it alone. But I noticed dark planets, planets with no light, which is with the mysterious ghost orb. Is this a glitch or file corruption?

Thank you for your help. Hope to see the updates soon...


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Re: [BUG]Weird Invisible sun silhouette (ghost sun)
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2016, 11:39:34 AM »
I don't know how to solve it since this has never happened to me. But my best advice would be resetting the system. Hope this helped.