1. Who were the people that were bronies? For additional points, correspond each person to their pony.
A lot of people, I think. I know Atomic/Nue is one.
2. What is the CUSFM and how did it start?
No idea.
3. Who moved cross-country in 2012? From where to where?
Not sure. Why is this relevant?
4. Which active forumers live in Arizona? Name two people, and a two more (although they may not be active) for additional points.
Atomic and Darvince
5. When was Everything Else arguably at its most active point? (Note: there may be more than 1 correct answer.)
6. How long have you been lurking Darforum?
Darforum isn't a myth?
7. Who was Hellpotatoe?
An old member who had "Matty you Sugg" as a signature.
8. What was the drama surrounding phineas all about?
He's always saying things people don't like or breaking the rules, apparently.
9. Who was Desacabose?
Not a clue
10. Who started labeling topics as Official? Who got annoyed by this, and started labeling random topics as Official?
Never seen this happen before.
11. What was all this stuff about opening your window?
To let the breeze in?
12. Which active members of Everything Else have changed their forum names? (Hint: look under their names.)
vh, atomic, blotz, some others I've forgotten/don't know
13. Who was smjjames? Who was vosk? And how did the two relate?
smjjames was a first-generation Alpha Tester, I think. Hasn't been online since August. Never heard of a vosk, but I guess they and smj were friends?
14. Name two active forumers from Europe.
Bla and Matty
15. Which people wrote lots of very short fiction stories? Who wrote the worst ones?
Darvince, atomic, blotz, vh, Fiah, Jorster, and matty. Jorster and Dar have a tie for the worst stories.
16. Which active forum members have (some?) Asian ancestry?
blotz, maybe vh?
17. What was all this nonsense about seeing flies?
To let the breeze in?
18. Which active forum members are boys? Which are girls? (Probably the hardest without the context of IRC and Skype. Jokes can get lost on the forum and only explained on the IRC.)
Not sure if you mean physical sex or gender identity, but I think nearly everyone here is male. Can't remember there being any (active) females.