PT 1.After nine years putting everything into motion, Dan left the room. Shortly after that, the balance that was neatly maintained by his presence began to fly apart and the members of the forum convened in Toledo, Ohio to figure out how to continue the forum in this founderless state.
The first one to offer a suggestion that everyone could agree upon, except for Darvince, was Syule. Her offer was so smoothly laid out that it gave USF a grand project to work towards for the next twenty years at least. She had no idea what her project might cause to Darvince though. Syule told everyone of a possible future where a superintelligent being would take care of our basic needs and leave us and it free to ponder in thoughts grand and verbose. They all immediately set to work on it.
The first person to hit a significant bump in the road, one might say a brick wall, was Thomas. Bla was talking with Thomas and told him that he had to get over the fact that gay people exist or he would be kicked out of the project forever, and would never be able to share in its benefits. So, much to Bla's dismay, Thomas began to pick away at Darvince's life force one bit at a time. Darvince was unique among them. She recognized immediately whether something was real or not. However, this did leave her vulnerable to not seeing things that are in fact real. In fact, she constantly lamented her state, saying "I'm not actually a girl, I just like to pretend to be around Thomas."
Syule was
busy foolish on the Super AI problem for a 26
th hour straight, and was looking to Thomas for a bit of advice with how they could teach the super AI from nothing. Thomas told Syule to just code in the first fact, because after all, how much harm could be done if the first thing a
Person learned about themselves was a lie? Syule pondered this for several weeks, mulling over herself, often asking for guidance from the other members of the forum, but eventually decided that coding in the first fact would be okay.
After this long and deconstructive process, Syule decided to put in the first fact as "I am a fluctuation.".