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Author Topic: Star, planet, and moon simulation...question of how to...  (Read 5851 times)


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Star, planet, and moon simulation...question of how to...
« on: August 11, 2015, 02:01:14 PM »
Ok, so I found Sandbox 2, when looking for a software that would allow me to plug-in values (basic ones) that would then provide a simulation of at least 2 planets, in the Habitable Zone, around a G-type main sequence star/Yellow Dwarf or similar energy output. Ideally, closer planet would have 2 moons and 2nd planet would have 1 moon...
Can or will this software allow me to plug in variables/values for the star, planets, and moons and then kick everything into motion? If yes, will it show or give back data on, say, orbital path, days in orbit or revolution about the other bodies?
Here's why I am asking....  I am writing a trilogy. In the first book, the 1st planet has 2 moons, one closer smaller & faster in orbit and the 2nd moon larger, farther away, & slower orbit.
But I want the details, orbital periods, eclipses, alignments, etc. to be plausible, so I went looking to see if there is already a simulation package out there that would help with this.
Also, specifically, how the two moons impact large weather patterns and especially ths tides!
While I am at it, will this software allow me to create a star, then give me its Habitable Zone based on basic variable for life similar to Earth?
So, I am going to stop there for now.  I suppose I am really interested in getting data out of the simulation as much as pluggng variables into it....   does Sandbox 2 allow for this kind of use?

Thank you in advance for your help!


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Re: Star, planet, and moon simulation...question of how to...
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2015, 02:53:28 PM »
Yes, Universe Sandbox 2 will allow you to place and customize aspects of a planet's and/or moon's orbit.  It will calculate and display the orbital period based on the planet's mass (which you can change) and the moon's mass (which you can change) and the moon's semi-major axis (the moon's distance from the planet, which you can change).  So you can build your solar system to your liking.


Universe Sandbox 2 will also calculate the gravitational fields of all bodies as they relate to each other and over time will alter orbital parameters accordingly, which means that those two planets that you sized and placed just so in the habitable zone might ultimately collide and the orbit of those two moons whose sizes and masses you specified might end up with one moon crashing into the planet and the other moon flying out of the solar system.  So in other words, Universe Sandbox 2 might show you that, based on your parameters, that solar system will not work.

No information on tides is given, but average temperature, orbital period, velocities, etc. are.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 03:02:57 PM by Krypton »