You proposed it.

Now that everyone have voted in favor of it, I'll change the rules. No one may take any turns before the rules have been changed.
Ze Wulez have been changzed. Many parts of them have, related to conquering zones. Here's the most central part:
You can also claim/conquer zones which you don't border direcly during the turn, but you must still conquer the zones leading you to the new zones (like, if you want to conquer a zone 4 zones away from you, you must conquer a "road" to it, including a zone 1, 2 and 3 zones away from you). The cost of claiming zones beyond your borders increases dramatically:
The cost of claiming zones which you border directly (1 zone away) isn't multiplied.
The cost of claiming zones which are 2 zones away is multiplied by 5.
The cost of claiming zones which are 3 zones away is multiplied by 10.
4 zones away, multiplied by 20.
5 zones away or further, multiplied by 50.
Btw, I just made a calculator. If you don't like counting how much you spend, just enter the numbers of each thing you do during a turn into the white cells and it'll figure it out for you.