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Author Topic: [BUG] immense temperatures with tidal heating on (also null ref errors with it)  (Read 2683 times)


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  • Posts: 1128
I know the tidal heating is a WIP, but just reporting that things can get heated to improbable temperatures, like that not seen since the Big Bang.

I'm also noticing LOADS of null reference errors, but those don't seem to impact performance.

Its not shown in the screenshot, but Jupiter is present and is contributing a LOT to the tidal heating, but the temperatures are just, well, immense.


  • Development Team
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  • Posts: 544
Thanks for the report. I'll trace down this null ref.


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  • Posts: 1128
Oh, if you're wondering (though it'll say in the output log), it's the Jupiter system sim, except with planets instead of moons.