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Author Topic: [BUG] stellar evolution makes sun disappear, problem with realism and big stars  (Read 4372 times)


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  • Posts: 2
Hi all
I bought universe sandbox 2 a couple of months ago, and from the beginning I noticed a strange problem. I waited for patches, but up 'till today the problem has never been resolved, so I decided to write in the forum.
When I try to run the stellar evolution simulation, the star grows up as expected till approximately 6.08 G years, then suddenly it disappears without trace. Also, when I try to make a new system and put a star with a big diameter in regards to the sun's diameter, when I switch the star to "realism" mode to watch its' evolution, it suddenly explodes in a supernova, without any evolution whatsoever. I link a video that I wish may be helpful to make you better understand the problem:


  • Development Team
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I'll forward this one over to Eric after we get back from our Holiday break, and see if we can take a look at what the issue is.


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  • Posts: 2
alpha 13 update on the problem: I tried the same problems on the new "update" (version 12.5) and noticed these variations:
-the problem with the sun evolution still exists, albeit in a different fashion. The sun gets bigger and bigger like it should be, then it instantly becomes a little tiny sun (with the same texture of the normal sun), with the nomenclature "sun nova remnant" and "white dwarf" (even if the texture is not that of a white dwarf, but that of the sun, and there is no sign of " yellow dwarf ----> red giant ----> white dwarf" evolution passage whatsoever.
-the problem with realism and big stars has solved for some smaller stars, like Sirius B, but not for the bigger ones, like Betelgeuse and VY Canis Maioris. in these ones, when I switch realism on, they explode in novas, with the star still present though (a bit strange theoretically speaking LOL), and then instantly become neutron stars - black holes, with no gradual switch between the phases.
hope this helps. if the staff team needs videos of these new behaviours, please make me know.


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Still in Alpha 13, spawn Rigel, toggle realistic, Rigel instantly goes nova.