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Author Topic: [SOLVED] Planets phase through each-other  (Read 3308 times)

Lord DC

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[SOLVED] Planets phase through each-other
« on: November 11, 2014, 12:35:51 PM »
Sometimes when running my sim, and make planets collide, they just phase through eachother! WTF?
BTW i was using various timesteps of around 2-12 minutes per sec.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2014, 10:40:15 AM by Lord DC »


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Re: [BUG] Planets phase through each-other
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2014, 12:47:32 PM »
Your timestep might be a bit high? Do they do that with a slower timestep while colliding?

I've also seen them do that at high speeds in excess of 100 km/s (well, the last one I saw was 500 km/s and went at real time I think, it was to the side rather than head on).

Lord DC

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Re: [BUG] Planets phase through each-other
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2014, 01:14:08 PM »
The typical colission is off to the side, going relative to eachother about 5km/s on 12 minutes/sec timestep.


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Re: [BUG] Planets phase through each-other
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2014, 01:20:42 PM »
The typical colission is off to the side, going relative to eachother about 5km/s on 12 minutes/sec timestep.

Have you tried lower timesteps? On lower timesteps like 1 min/s (or 10 sec/s if the timestep thing is going yellow), they don't phase through each other for me at low speeds like that, but rather they seem to propel each other and increase their speed.

Also, you should upload the logfile of the sim when the phasing is happening.

Lord DC

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Re: [BUG] Planets phase through each-other
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2014, 10:39:19 AM »
Aright, i've found that due to my computer's weirdness, it causes us2 to think there is lag and thus makes the planets phase through eachother, will use 2 mintes step from now on  ;D