Can you share a few sentences on how you made that video?
To begin with; everything, except the lens flares and the modified brightness during the eclipse, is pure Universe Sandbox. The sun is actually there, and also the moon. The distances from earth to the moon and earth to the sun were modified in order to make the eclipse look somewhat natural (size of halo etc.). And then I had to fiddle with the "Reverse all velocities" button to make the moon pass before the sun perfectly.
Small little things, like text showing up when you use the mouse to zoom and press various buttons, makes it somewhat challenging to make a pure video with Universe Sandbox using different camera views, but not impossible

The raw video was captured using "Fraps" and I used Adobe Premiere, in which I added the motion of a lens flare on top of the sun, to make the short film.
Universe Sandbox is fantastic in so many ways, many thanks for the effort you've put into making this program!