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Author Topic: Color mode "mass" results in everything the same colour  (Read 3654 times)


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Color mode "mass" results in everything the same colour
« on: December 01, 2013, 12:50:09 AM »
If I go to color mode and select "mass" everything turns the exact same shade of purple. Jupiters are purple. Asteroids are purple. The only thing that isn't purple is the sun which is red. I assume this is a problem with the scale of the color by mass system - it doesn't scale to what's available in the simulation, rather it's scaled to the minimum and maximum sizes possible. So planets and asteroids even though so different in size are probably not different enough in size to see any difference because of how big stars can get.

Thing is nobody else has raised this as an issue, leading me to believe that maybe I've missed some configuration settings that make the color by mass feature work. It appears anyway that others have got it working enough to be usable. How can I get it to work also?


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  • Posts: 7
Re: Color mode "mass" results in everything the same colour
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2014, 04:20:17 AM »
Nobody knows?