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Author Topic: double/binary planets around K-type main sequence star  (Read 4569 times)


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double/binary planets around K-type main sequence star
« on: November 10, 2013, 05:48:09 PM »

I'm trying to get two planets (A:  mass: 2.1 Earth, density: 4.0 g/cm³ and B: mass: 1.69 Earth, density: 4.23 g/cm³) orbiting each other, while the pair of them orbits the star (Alpha Centauri B).

But, so far I've had no luck :(

I can get the two planets to orbit each other, but then they plummet towards the sun. I also succeeded in getting both planets to orbit the sun, but then they do not orbit each other, but instead move into two separate obits.

Could anyone give me some pointers on how to set this up?



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Re: double/binary planets around K-type main sequence star
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2013, 09:43:19 PM »
Step 1: Set up your star and planets in the appropriate orbits; i.e. larger planet orbiting star, smaller planet orbiting larger planet. Make sure the smaller planet is well inside the hill sphere of the larger one.
Step 2: Select both planets (select while holding the control key or drag a selection box around both of them) and click "Add Barycenter."
Step 3: Select the barycenter you just made and the star (Do NOT select the planets) and click "Make Binary Orbit."

You should now have the planets orbiting each other and the pair orbiting the star. Unfortunately, this option does not allow for precise control of the orbital eccentricity of the planets around the star.


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Re: double/binary planets around K-type main sequence star
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2013, 03:28:30 AM »

Is there any method to view the distance between two objects?
« Last Edit: November 11, 2013, 04:15:06 AM by Pixelfck »


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Re: double/binary planets around K-type main sequence star
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2013, 06:56:07 PM »
While as far as I know you can't measure the distance between any two objects, right-clicking an object will display several statistics, including the distance from its parent.