So, Tuto and I have talked, somewhat briefly, about starting a baseball league. I have this baseball simulation game that would fit for having our baseball team. It is called Ootp baseball 11.
In the game you can set up a fictional league. I was thinking of hosting a league and doing videos of all of the team's games every week. You watch your team's games-I would post standings every week (of game time).
You can mod in flags-so we can actually have our flags for our teams
Fictional Baseball Teams-you can custom name them or if you have no creativity I can auto assign you one
May not be all that interactive-I could livestream like the original draft in which the teams pick their players and you guys get to select your players if you are there...but that would be hard to schedule and do. Also for the season there would be nothing you guys could really do...
Anyways, I listed the major advantages and drawbacks...
If you don't like the game but still want to do the game I can do simulations with excel-that way you guys could give custom names and not have to use boring generic names that ootp has.
If you are interested in either please let me know.