Terra Macrocosm Test Textures
this is the 1st 14 textures I put together last night specifically for USv2 (I don't know if they will work on v1).
really this is just a teaser to see how ppl on the forum respond, I will probably be making many more.
currently there is ONLY the textures, but I hope to be able to add planets and moons to the add tool menu in-game when I know how.
read the ReadMe provided for use of the Textures it is also posted below, you will need winrar or another compression program that can extract .rar files.
the Download link is at the bottom of this post, it's hosted at filefactory for the moment.
Thanx, any feed back is appreciated
updated to 0.02 (smaller file size)

Ash Planet
Desert World
Dry World
Earth Like 01
Earth Like 02
Gas Giant 01
Gas Giant 02
Global Warming
Old Moon
Rock and Dust
Rock and Ice 01
Rock and Ice 02
Rock and Sand
Wracked Moon
Terra Macrocosm 0.02(19.4 Mb)
ReadMe - Terra Macrocosm:
Terra Macrocosm Test Textures
-> Requirements
-> About this mod
-> Installation
-> Files Used
-> Known Bugs & Issues
-> Version History
-> Credits & Usage
Universe Sandbox v2
This is my first texture pack for Universe Sandbox v2, it contains 14 planetary textures that need to be manually selected in-game.
In later versions I hope to be able to add all planets and moons to the "add tool" menus in-game there for requiring only installation
on the users behalf.
I literally but these together in about 4 hours last night, so I hope to make many more over the coming days and weeks.
Changed the pixel size of textures to 1440x720 down from 2048x1024 , and kept in .png fomat as .tga was large a file for the size.
Extract the Media folder into:
C:\Users\%User Name%\Documents\Universe Sandbox
To apply the textures they must be selected in-game by placing or selecting a planet, selecting "physical properties" at the top of the
planets detail list, and entering the texture name in the "texture" box under "Appearance".
see the textures list below for the texture names and designation, they are simply listed "TerraTex 01 -14" for ease of changing.
the Media folder can alternatively be placed in:
C:\Program Files\Program Files\Universe Sandbox
or for steam users:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\universe sandbox
File Name Planet Type
TerraTex01 Ash Planet
TerraTex02 Desert World
TerraTex03 Dry World
TerraTex04 Earth Like 01
TerraTex05 Earth Like 02
TerraTex06 Gas Giant 01
TerraTex07 Gas Giant 02
TerraTex08 Global Warming
TerraTex09 Old Moon
TerraTex10 Rock and Dust
TerraTex11 Rock and Ice 01
TerraTex12 Rock and Ice 02
TerraTex13 Rock and Sand
TerraTex14 Wracked Moon
First set of large .tga files.
You may use any of the resources I provided in this mod, but please retain this readme intact with any other mod, and a curtsy
email would be appreciated.
these Texture are completely free to use and download and should under no circumstances be paid for by any party.
EMAIL: carnage2k4@internode.on.net
I can also be found on the Universe Sandbox forum at http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php as Carnage2K4