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Author Topic: [BUG] Placing objects far from system center causes focus issues  (Read 3628 times)

Gordon Freeman

  • *****
  • Posts: 480
When you zoom out from the system center in any simulation and place an object around 1030 light years away, and then focus the camera on that object and try to zoom in, the camera will begin to vibrate intensely before meeting the object.

However, the camera seems to be focused on a region a few thousand kilometers above the body's surface. Even odder is when you try to place an object in orbit around the focused body, even if it seems like you are far away from the focused body, the object will be recorded as being a few micrometers away from the focused body.

This bug is not dependent on placing the focused body with Still, Orbit, Binary, or Launch mode.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2016, 05:51:20 AM by Gordon Freeman »