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Total Members Voted: 28

Voting closed: October 02, 2014, 10:58:49 AM

Author Topic: Suggestions Megathread  (Read 6239 times)


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Suggestions Megathread
« on: September 02, 2014, 10:56:16 AM »
Small stuff I want to see changed in US. Tell me which ones you strongly agree with by voting the poll. I'd really like you, specially the devs, to take some time to read this.

A. You know the + icon next to the planets in the Add menu? so, remove the icons which are next to Mercury and Venus. Those planets have no moons and without those icons it would be easier for new players to understand what is the function of that + button.

B. MAKE THE TIME CONTROLS MORE INTERACTIVE. I've been exhaustively asking for this for a year. The US1 time controls were far, far, far superior to this one.

C. Include the Orbital Period in the left-click menu. That's a very important information (at least to me) and I would like to see it when I left click a planet.

D. More sounds. I know that some progress has been made by adding collision sounds, for instance, but I think we need click sounds when we open a menu and a brief intro tune! The previous version of US (which had no sound at all) was a little agonizing sometimes. I had the feeling I was deaf.

E. Add more specific definitions of stars in the left click menu. For example, Betelgeuse should be classified as a 'Red Supergiant Star'. Sirius B should be 'White Dwarf Star'.  Not just 'star'.

F. You should be able to mouseover the Home button at the top. Then, it'd appear on the side all the names of the tabs (Main, Open, Collide, Galaxy, Settings) while the cursor is the top left corner, so you can go directly into the tab you want without having to click more than once!

G. We need many more tutorials. There isn't much point in having so many new features in the game if people don't know how to use them or what they are. There should be a tutorial explaining how CO2 can affect the temperature of a planet, how stellar evolution works, what is blackbody radiation (what makes the hot objects glow and why they have different colors at different temperatues), etc! US should also be a way for people to learn more.

H. Add a small, slightly transparent, discreet blue arrow pointing down next to the temperature of the planet in the left click menu. That will indicate when the temperature is dropping significantly. New players may be using a slow timestep and will wonder why the temperature stays the same when they delete the star, for example. A red up arrow should be added too

I. Different cursors for different actions. I sometimes forget that I have the "powers" option selected and I accidentally launch a planet when I just wanted to move the camera view. Different cursors would help me out a little.

J. When you click "Select" in the left side of the screen, a menu should drop, which would include a bulk selector, just like in US. I miss that.

K. I want commas to separate big numbers and make them more readable. Example: 569,567,896 kg instead of 669567896 kg

L. In the Add menu at the bottom, there should be a "Replace" option. One of these three other options should be removed: (orbit, binary or binary balanced) to give space for this new one. That would allow you to click on a body to replace it, while keeping the same velocity. I'm tired of having to pause the simulation, delete an object, try to add the new object exactly where the previous one was, then make all the other objects that were in orbit to be in orbit of this new object, etc.

Please leave a reply!
« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 11:03:48 AM by gabriel.dac »


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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2014, 11:04:21 AM »
I would say that all the suggestions are great.
US2 make simple but intuitive and of course super cool. ;)


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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2014, 11:49:21 AM »
I would like to see the option to turn on orbital velocity lines or segments. Something like this:

K. I want commas to separate big numbers and make them more readable. Example: 569,567,896 kg instead of 669567896 kg
In a large part of the world that would be periods, not commas. That means you would need the option to choose between those.


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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2014, 12:12:06 PM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:08:03 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2014, 01:20:18 PM »
Very very good suggestions, especially E and K. I would absolutely like all of these to be implemented.


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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2014, 02:09:13 PM »
I would love to be able to script / record camera movements into a simulation and render it to file. I find that my computer has a tough time keeping up with some of the heavy collision simulations and it would be cool to be able to render some of these out and watch them playback perfectly. Just a thought... really enjoying the Alpha BTW!


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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2014, 03:17:05 PM »
I would like to see download links of the old closed alphas 1-9  ;D


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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2014, 06:54:03 PM »
Why aren't you guys voting properly? It is not possible that 13 people (about 90%) strongly agree with my suggestions. Damn it you. Even I didn't vote for all. I voted 7.


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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2014, 06:01:14 AM »
A. You know the + icon next to the planets in the Add menu? so, remove the icons which are next to Mercury and Venus. Those planets have no moons and without those icons it would be easier for new players to understand what is the function of that + button.
-Lol yeah I noticed that too. It's a trivial error that should get fixed soon.

B. MAKE THE TIME CONTROLS MORE INTERACTIVE. I've been exhaustively asking for this for a year. The US1 time controls were far, far, far superior to this one.
-You do know that you can click on the time controls tab and it opens up a menu of interactive tools, right?

C. Include the Orbital Period in the left-click menu. That's a very important information (at least to me) and I would like to see it when I left click a planet.
-Orbital period? Not really. Rotational Period? Yesh.
Also atmosphere mass should be in there as well.

D. More sounds. I know that some progress has been made by adding collision sounds, for instance, but I think we need click sounds when we open a menu and a brief intro tune! The previous version of US (which had no sound at all) was a little agonizing sometimes. I had the feeling I was deaf.
-I don't think we need sounds for stuff like opening menus or adding objects (It would make US2 noisier and more annoying than the Bubsy show), but maybe an explosion sound of some sort for supernovas and exploding bodies.

E. Add more specific definitions of stars in the left click menu. For example, Betelgeuse should be classified as a 'Red Supergiant Star'. Sirius B should be 'White Dwarf Star'.  Not just 'star'.
-Well they've at least got some stuff down. Like really small spherical objects are classified as "Spherical Planetoids" which is pretty neat.

F. You should be able to mouseover the Home button at the top. Then, it'd appear on the side all the names of the tabs (Main, Open, Collide, Galaxy, Settings) while the cursor is the top left corner, so you can go directly into the tab you want without having to click more than once!
-Good idea.

G. We need many more tutorials. There isn't much point in having so many new features in the game if people don't know how to use them or what they are. There should be a tutorial explaining how CO2 can affect the temperature of a planet, how stellar evolution works, what is blackbody radiation (what makes the hot objects glow and why they have different colors at different temperatures), etc! US should also be a way for people to learn more.
-US tries to teach the user about stuff without them knowing. Simply relaying stuff would just be school all over again.

H. Add a small, slightly transparent, discreet blue arrow pointing down next to the temperature of the planet in the left click menu. That will indicate when the temperature is dropping significantly. New players may be using a slow timestep and will wonder why the temperature stays the same when they delete the star, for example. A red up arrow should be added too
- Yes, sound like a fairly good idea. Would be helpful when I'm tweaking atmospheres to make planets suitable for life.

I. Different cursors for different actions. I sometimes forget that I have the "powers" option selected and I accidentally launch a planet when I just wanted to move the camera view. Different cursors would help me out a little.
- In "Edit" there's a different cursor for changing axis. But yes, maybe more'll be added soon.

J. When you click "Select" in the left side of the screen, a menu should drop, which would include a bulk selector, just like in US. I miss that.
-What's a bulk selector? Anyway, yeah it'd be cool to see the menu extend as a thin bar from the top, then drop down like a flag.

K. I want commas to separate big numbers and make them more readable. Example: 569,567,896 kg instead of 669567896 kg
- I agree. Maybe also conversion inbetween "E" and actual numbers. Not everyone is that advanced in math (lol sometimes I have trouble with this as well. I can't imagine "E+19" as well as I can "32,000,000,000".)

L. In the Add menu at the bottom, there should be a "Replace" option. One of these three other options should be removed: (orbit, binary or binary balanced) to give space for this new one. That would allow you to click on a body to replace it, while keeping the same velocity. I'm tired of having to pause the simulation, delete an object, try to add the new object exactly where the previous one was, then make all the other objects that were in orbit to be in orbit of this new object, etc.
- Yeah. Maybe also a save feature that saves all the orbiting objects as well as the selected object so you can add the whole thing with the "+" tool.
Please leave a reply!

The purpose of a thread is to post in it. I'm not sure why you have to encourage us. To bump this thread into "Top Ten Topics" on the forum stats? Lol.


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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2014, 09:51:20 AM »
Thanks for your reply

-You do know that you can click on the time controls tab and it opens up a menu of interactive tools, right?

Not interactive enough. It is worse than the US1 time controls. Also, there isn't a field where I can input a value.

-Orbital period? Not really. Rotational Period? Yesh.
Also atmosphere mass should be in there as well.

The rotational period is totally irrelevant. When you have the orbital period there you can have a better idea of how far away a planet is from the star. For example, when I try to add the Earth around the sun, I'll check if the orbital period is 1 year.

-Good idea.

I wish I could give more emphasis to that suggestion.

-What's a bulk selector? Anyway, yeah it'd be cool to see the menu extend as a thin bar from the top, then drop down like a flag.

I don't know the name, but it's that thing you click and drag to select many objects at once

Please leave a reply!

The purpose of a thread is to post in it. I'm not sure why you have to encourage us. To bump this thread into "Top Ten Topics" on the forum stats? Lol.

People tend not to post when the thread is about several different stuff


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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2014, 03:09:07 PM »
I'm still not satisfied with all those people who voted the same option. Even I didn't vote that I strongly agree with all of them

Dan Dixon

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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2014, 02:37:16 PM »
Most of these are really great suggestions... We'll be making a few of these changes in coming updates.


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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2014, 04:32:09 AM »
I would like to see download links of the old closed alphas 1-9  ;D
you can.... in steam. go to settings beta then select alpha 4-9 :p


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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2014, 06:37:37 PM »
J. When you click "Select" in the left side of the screen, a menu should drop, which would include a bulk selector, just like in US. I miss that.
-What's a bulk selector? Anyway, yeah it'd be cool to see the menu extend as a thin bar from the top, then drop down like a flag.
I couldn't search "bulk selector" from google, also it may not exist.


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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2014, 06:45:02 PM »
I would like to see download links of the old closed alphas 1-9  ;D
you can.... in steam. go to settings beta then select alpha 4-9 :p
Well, all I can select is Alpha 6-10.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2014, 02:47:55 PM by spacegenius2000 »


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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2014, 08:16:01 PM »
I wonder if you will make possible to make the Speed of light the speed limit. . It could be a toggle able option if you want.  that's always fun to switch in and out of realism.


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Re: Suggestions Megathread
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2014, 10:24:44 AM »
Ohh and.  I don't know if it's possible but adding the Kerbal Space Program's Kerbin or other planets to the game as an Easter Egg or something.   ( exo planet )   It would be fun.  As long that it is ok for Squad.

It would be fun to mess around them and create the kerbol system withing US2  :D