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Author Topic: subject for happy forumbots  (Read 29511 times)


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subject for happy forumbots
« on: October 28, 2012, 12:11:16 PM »
PLEASE GO HERE FOR MAP WAR C: http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php/topic,8574.0.html

The goal of this game is simple: You need to claim every zone on the board. There is also one other way of winning which will be discussed later.

Welcome to Map War 3, based on the previous game Map War 2 done by Bla (known elsewhere as BlaDK44, BlaBla44, and other things with 44s, DKs, and Blas) here: it's a link
Most of the very lengthy rules are just tables and images, so feel free to just skim them.
Zones are the regions on the board that are separated by #808080 or 128, 128, 128. Their interior is either (#FFFFFF 255, 255, 255) if they are a land zone or (#000000 0, 0, 0) if they are a sea zone.
Example of zones:

Both land and sea zones with nothing extra built or being built on them use and produce this:
+1 currency per turn, +0.05 technology per turn. -1 food per turn, -5 currency to construct over 1 turn.

There are six types of zone structures, which are detailed below:
These cover every non-special land zone, and can have varying levels between one and six. Each city has about twice the benefits of the previous. These are each levels' benefits as well as costs:
[spoiler]Level 1: +1 currency per turn, +0.10 technology per turn, needs 2 technology to create.
-2 food per turn, -5 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2: +2 currency per turn, +0.19 technology per turn, needs 4 technology to create.
-5 food per turn, -11 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3: +4 currency per turn, +0.36 technology per turn, needs 7 technology to create.
-11 food per turn, -24 currency to construct over 3 turns.
Level 4: +8 currency per turn, +0.68 technology per turn, needs 13 technology to create.
-24 food per turn, -53 currency to construct over 4 turns.
Level 5: +16 currency per turn, +1.29 technology per turn, needs 23 technology to create.
-53 food per turn, -117 currency to construct over 5 turns.
Level 6: +32 currency per turn, +2.45 technology per turn, needs 41 technology to create.
-117 food per turn, -257 currency to construct over 6 turns.[/spoiler]
They look like these:

These cute blue things happen to cover every single sea zone, and are about the only thing you may fill in on sea zones unless there are other evilly cute things on the zone. There may also be small, black areas inside the continents representing lakes that are black but unclaimable. They cost five resources to claim and have no additional levels that you can build.
They look like this:

Yes, the fires of industry! This is based off of the extractor in the previous game. Sadly, the more industry they have, the worse the zone is for the environment. These can have between one and four levels, and may be paired up in the same zone as a city. Industry may also be on a sea zone, but will only have the first two levels, with the real-life counterpart for this being an oil rig. Each level has roughly double the benefits, but only one increment more of the bad.
[spoiler]Level 1: +3 resources per turn, needs 3 technology to create. +2 pollution per turn, -10 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2: +6 resources per turn, needs 7 technology to create. +4 pollution per turn, -22 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3: +12 resources per turn, needs 15 technology to create. +6 pollution per turn, -48 currency to construct over 3 turns.
Level 4: +24 resources per turn, needs 32 technology to create. +8 pollution per turn, -106 currency to construct over 4 turns.[/spoiler]
They look like these:
(If you can't tell, the color is #FFC000 or 255,192,0)

There is also industry's lowly counterpart, agriculture. It is based off of some idea mentioned to me to split resources into three parts in the IRC I visit, and I obliged. This zone is only paired with the city if the city's maximum level is less than three. So here are the three food producing levels of agriculture:
[spoiler]Level 1: +5 food per turn, +0.04 technology per turn. -5 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2: +25 food per turn, +0.10 technology per turn. -11 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3: +125 food per turn, +0.25 technology per turn. +2 pollution per turn, -24 currency to construct over 3 turns.[/spoiler]
They look like these:

This wealth-generating unit will only show up in when the city's maximum level is three or more, so you will never see it paired with agriculture. It is the most vulnerable unless there is a defense unit paired with it. It has five levels, between industry's four and the city's six. These are the benefits of its five levels:
[spoiler]Level 1: +3 currency per turn, +0.10 technology per turn, needs 2 technology to create. -5 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2: +7 currency per turn, +0.18 technology per turn, needs 4 technology to create. -9 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3: +15 currency per turn, +0.32 technology per turn, needs 10 technology to create. -16 currency to construct over 3 turns.
Level 4: +33 currency per turn, +0.58 technology per turn, needs 20 technology to create. -29 currency to construct over 4 turns.
Level 5: +73 currency per turn, +1.04 technology per turn, needs 40 technology to create. -52 currency to construct over 5 turns.[/spoiler]
They look like these:

This military unit is the best defense, and can beef up both land and sea zones. They may appear on any zone, but only have three levels of development. It quadruples the cost of conquering a zone, and also supplies ships if it is on water, and soldier units if it is on land.
[spoiler]Level 1 land: +1 unit per 3 turns, +0.13 technology per turn, needs 5 technology to create. -5 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2 land: +1 unit per 2 turns, +0.29 technology per turn, needs 9 technology to create. -11 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3 land: +1 unit per turn, +0.63 technology per turn, needs 16 technology to create. -24 currency to construct over 3 turns.
Level 1 water: +1 ship per 3 turns, +0.07 technology per turn, needs 3 technology to create. -4 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2 water: +1 ship per 2 turns, +0.15 technology per turn, needs 7 technology to create. -9 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3 water: +1 ship per turn, +0.34 technology per turn, needs 15 technology to create. -20 currency to construct over 3 turns.[/spoiler]
They look like these:

These units are expensive and easy to capture but have the highest technological impact. They only appear paired with a level 5 or 6 city, and have a total of 6 different units, like the city. Their bonuses and negatives are as so:
[spoiler]Level 1: +0.49 technology per turn, needs level 4 city to create. -3 food per turn, -8 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2: +0.88 technology per turn, needs 23 technology to create. -6 food per turn, -14 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3: +1.58 technology per turn, needs 30 technology to create. -11 food per turn, -26 currency to construct over 3 turns.
Level 4: +2.84 technology per turn, needs 42 technology to create. -20 food per turn, -47 currency to construct over 4 turns.
Level 5: +5.11 technology per turn, needs 63 technology to create. -37 food per turn, -85 currency to construct over 5 turns.
Level 6: +9.20 technology per turn, needs 101 technology to create. -68 food per turn, -153 currency to construct over 6 turns.[/spoiler]
They look like these:

And that concludes the lengthy zones section. I promise, the other ones will be shorter.

The main aim of this game is to become the only player by conquering all other player zones. You start off by claiming 1 zone or sea zone, both of which give 1 resource and currency per turn. The cost of conquering zones is listed in the table below:
[spoiler]Standard cost: 10 currency, 3 resources.
Added city:
Level 1: +4 currency, +1 resource
Level 2: +7 currency, +2 resources
Level 3: +12 currency, +4 resources
Level 4: +21 currency, +7 resources
Level 5: +38 currency, +12 resources
Level 6: +71 currency, +21 resources
Added industry:
Level 1: +7 currency, +2 resources
Level 2: +12 currency, +4 resources
Level 3: +21 currency, +7 resources
Level 4: +38 currency, +12 resources
Added agriculture:
Level 1: +7 currency, +2 resources
Level 2: +4 currency, +1 resource
Level 3: +2 currency, +0 resource
Added commerce:
All levels: +12 currency, +4 resources
Added research:
All levels: +21 currency, +7 resources
Added defense:
Level 1: +38 currency, +12 resources
Level 2: +71 currency, +21 resources
Level 3: +136 currency, +38 resources[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: December 25, 2012, 10:34:04 AM by Darvince »


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2012, 12:33:16 PM »
Oh, good :D


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2012, 12:36:16 PM »
bla is this ok


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2012, 12:46:13 PM »
Yes, maybe you could find another name than Map War 3 though? I'd like to reserve Map War 3 for if I want to make a new "breakthrough" in Map War development. :P

Maybe you could attach something to the "Map War (2)" name which specifies it's your own version?

Anyway looks cute.


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2012, 12:47:00 PM »
map war 2+i? :P


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2012, 12:47:44 PM »
Uhhhhhhhhh you can...


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2012, 12:49:54 PM »
or map war III
or map war C
or map war tree
or map war frii


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2012, 12:54:35 PM »
what about

map war light


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2012, 12:59:20 PM »
no it's very heavy


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2012, 01:15:01 PM »

This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '86485'.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:28:29 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2012, 01:21:48 PM »
fiah it's because i copypasted the post from xkcd forum.


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2012, 02:13:34 PM »
kolok added 2 section
The main aim of this game is to become the only player by conquering all other player zones. You start off by claiming 1 zone or sea zone, both of which give 1 resource and currency per turn. The cost of conquering zones is listed in the table below:
[spoiler]Standard cost: 10 currency, 3 resources.
Added city:
Level 1: +4 currency, +1 resource
Level 2: +7 currency, +2 resources
Level 3: +12 currency, +4 resources
Level 4: +21 currency, +7 resources
Level 5: +38 currency, +12 resources
Level 6: +71 currency, +21 resources
Added industry:
Level 1: +7 currency, +2 resources
Level 2: +12 currency, +4 resources
Level 3: +21 currency, +7 resources
Level 4: +38 currency, +12 resources
Added agriculture:
Level 1: +7 currency, +2 resources
Level 2: +4 currency, +1 resource
Level 3: +2 currency, +0 resource
Added commerce:
All levels: +12 currency, +4 resources
Added research:
All levels: +21 currency, +7 resources
Added defense:
Level 1: +38 currency, +12 resources
Level 2: +71 currency, +21 resources
Level 3: +136 currency, +38 resources[/spoiler]
Also, technology does not matter when conquering any zone. However, if you do not have the required technology that a zone requires, it will degrade by 1 value each turn.
This is the closest thing this game is to having any board game elements, however, there are no planes as I felt those would be overpowered. There are armies and ships. A ship may carry up to 2 armies at a time, and up to 4 armies may be on a single zone at the same time. An army goes on to a boat when the boat is at the shore and the army is adjacent to the boat, and will move on to the boat over the course of the next turn.
Each additional army reduces the amount of resources needed to capture an enemy zone by 40% and the cost by 30%. A boat reduces the cost to capture in both resources and currency by 70%, with each army on the boat also adding to the reduced cost. A boat may move one sea zone per turn, and an army may move one land zone per turn.

Pollution is the nasty thing produced by industry, oil rigs (sea industry), and big agriculture. It will spread, with each point of pollution moving away from where it was before by 1 zone each turn. Also, it likes to go into zones that have less pollution than the current zone so that it will spread across the globe if you don't try to contain it. Pollution also has harming effects on the zone it is over, reducing the zone's production by 1% for every unit of pollution. So, for example, if a zone has 17 pollution on it, the zone's productivity will be reduced by 17%. However, it doesn't affect industry until 10 units of pollution and defense until 20 units. Also, the effects of pollution stop getting worse when there are 80 units of pollution on a tile.
Luckily, there are two ways to reduce pollution. The first of which occurs automatically in which a sea zone absorbs 1 pollution unit per turn if unclaimed and 1.5 (1 on odd turns, 2 on even turns) pollution units per turn if claimed. High level research bases (4 to 6) and level 6 cities will also absorb pollution. These are the amounts they absorb:
[spoiler]Level 4 research: -1 pollution per turn
Level 6 city: -2 pollution per turn
Level 5 research: -3 pollution per turn
Level 6 research: -7 pollution per turn[/spoiler]


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2012, 07:02:05 PM »
added 1 section, begun another one
There are three types of production: resources, currency, and food.
Resources are used in the conquering of zones (think weaponry), upgrading defense bases (weaponry, again) and in supplying cities and research bases. They are also only produced by industry. Extra resources will sit around, doing nothing until they need to be used, or get traded. When traded or sold to another nation, they will get 67% of the resources and the rest of the resources will convert into currency for yourself. If you run out of resources and start having negative leftover resources, then you will go into debt and your efficiency will be reduced by 1% for every 5 resources you need.
This is the main type of production. Both cities and commerce will produce currency, with commerce being specifically designed to produce it. Currency can be freely traded with other nations with nothing happening to it. You also need currency to conquer zones as it is basically building a zone on top of someone else's. You need currency to improve anything in your nation, except for reducing pollution. If you run out of currency and begin to go into debt, your industry, defense, agriculture, and research will stop producing anything for as many turns as needed until you are completely out of debt.
Yes, food. Everyone loves food, and this means that your cities, research (the scientists live there unlike real life), and defense will need food to be maintained. The only one to produce food is agriculture, meaning that it is extremely important for the overall welfare of your nation. If you run out of food, there will be a 5% chance of a riot in any city each turn unless the food requirements are met again. Then, riots will no longer be possible and your nation will return to normal.

[size=150]NPC Actions[/size]
When a riot occurs, that zone is seized by the light grey nation Barbaria (#C0C0C0, 192, 192, 192) and counts as a separate nation. You may take this zone back like you would any other players' zone at the normal cost. Barbaria does not need to maintain its production, and has a 10% chance each turn to spread to an adjacent zone if it exists. When it dissapears again it has a higher chance to reappear once conditions are met for a riot in that zone, increasing by a 5% chance each time the zone has become Barbaria.


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2012, 08:49:32 PM »
[size=135]Rulerless Nations[/size]
These nations are nations whose owners have decided they no longer want to play. These nations cannot be attacked for the first four turns they are without owners. After these 4 turns, the owner may rejoin or the nation begins to decay. The decay begins when 2 riots appear in the nation. The nation then becomes attackable. The riots then spread until they fill the entire nation if it is not conquered.


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2012, 07:09:00 PM »
bla on a scale of 1 to 10 would you call this complete

The goal of this game is simple: You need to claim every zone on the board. There is also one other way of winning which will be discussed later.

Welcome to Map War 3, based on the previous game Map War 2 done by Bla (known elsewhere as BlaDK44, BlaBla44, and other things with 44s, DKs, and Blas) here: it's a link
Most of the very lengthy rules are just tables and images, so feel free to just skim them.
Zones are the regions on the board that are separated by #808080 or 128, 128, 128. Their interior is either (#FFFFFF 255, 255, 255) if they are a land zone or (#000000 0, 0, 0) if they are a sea zone.
Example of zones:

Both land and sea zones with nothing extra built or being built on them use and produce this:
+1 currency per turn, +0.05 technology per turn. -1 food per turn, -5 currency to construct over 1 turn.

There are six types of zone structures, which are detailed below:
These cover every non-special land zone, and can have varying levels between one and six. Each city has about twice the benefits of the previous. These are each levels' benefits as well as costs:
Level 1: +1 currency per turn, +0.10 technology per turn, needs 2 technology to create.
-2 food per turn, -1 resource per turn, -5 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2: +2 currency per turn, +0.19 technology per turn, needs 4 technology to create.
-5 food per turn, -2 resources per turn, -11 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3: +4 currency per turn, +0.36 technology per turn, needs 7 technology to create.
-11 food per turn, -5 resources per turn, -24 currency to construct over 3 turns.
Level 4: +8 currency per turn, +0.68 technology per turn, needs 13 technology to create.
-24 food per turn, -11 resources per turn, -53 currency to construct over 4 turns.
Level 5: +16 currency per turn, +1.29 technology per turn, needs 23 technology to create.
-53 food per turn, -24 resources per turn, -117 currency to construct over 5 turns.
Level 6: +32 currency per turn, +2.45 technology per turn, needs 41 technology to create.
-117 food per turn, -53 resources per turn, -257 currency to construct over 6 turns.
They look like these:

These cute blue things happen to cover every single sea zone, and are about the only thing you may fill in on sea zones unless there are other evilly cute things on the zone. There may also be small, black areas inside the continents representing lakes that are black but unclaimable. They cost five resources to claim and have no additional levels that you can build.
They look like this:

Yes, the fires of industry! This is based off of the extractor in the previous game. Sadly, the more industry they have, the worse the zone is for the environment. These can have between one and four levels, and may be paired up in the same zone as a city. Industry may also be on a sea zone, but will only have the first two levels, with the real-life counterpart for this being an oil rig. Each level has roughly double the benefits, but only one increment more of the bad.
Level 1: +3 resources per turn, needs 3 technology to create. +2 pollution per turn, -10 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2: +6 resources per turn, needs 7 technology to create. +4 pollution per turn, -22 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3: +12 resources per turn, needs 15 technology to create. +6 pollution per turn, -48 currency to construct over 3 turns.
Level 4: +24 resources per turn, needs 32 technology to create. +8 pollution per turn, -106 currency to construct over 4 turns.
They look like these:
(If you can't tell, the color is #FFC000 or 255,192,0)

There is also industry's lowly counterpart, agriculture. It is based off of some idea mentioned to me to split resources into three parts in the IRC I visit, and I obliged. This zone is only paired with the city if the city's maximum level is less than three. So here are the three food producing levels of agriculture:
Level 1: +5 food per turn, +0.04 technology per turn. -5 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2: +25 food per turn, +0.10 technology per turn. -11 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3: +125 food per turn, +0.25 technology per turn. +2 pollution per turn, -24 currency to construct over 3 turns.
They look like these:

This wealth-generating unit will only show up in when the city's maximum level is three or more, so you will never see it paired with agriculture. It is the most vulnerable unless there is a defense unit paired with it. It has five levels, between industry's four and the city's six. These are the benefits of its five levels:
Level 1: +3 currency per turn, +0.10 technology per turn, needs 2 technology to create. -5 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2: +7 currency per turn, +0.18 technology per turn, needs 4 technology to create. -9 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3: +15 currency per turn, +0.32 technology per turn, needs 10 technology to create. -16 currency to construct over 3 turns.
Level 4: +33 currency per turn, +0.58 technology per turn, needs 20 technology to create. -29 currency to construct over 4 turns.
Level 5: +73 currency per turn, +1.04 technology per turn, needs 40 technology to create. -52 currency to construct over 5 turns.
They look like these:

This military unit is the best defense, and can beef up both land and sea zones. They may appear on any zone, but only have three levels of development. It quadruples the cost of conquering a zone, and also supplies ships if it is on water, and soldier units if it is on land.
Level 1 land: +1 unit per 3 turns, +0.13 technology per turn, needs 5 technology to create. -2 food per turn, -5 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2 land: +1 unit per 2 turns, +0.29 technology per turn, needs 9 technology to create. -5 food per turn, -11 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3 land: +1 unit per turn, +0.63 technology per turn, needs 16 technology to create. -11 food per turn, -24 currency to construct over 3 turns.
Level 1 water: +1 ship per 3 turns, +0.07 technology per turn, needs 3 technology to create. -2 food per turn, -4 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2 water: +1 ship per 2 turns, +0.15 technology per turn, needs 7 technology to create. -4 food per turn, -9 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3 water: +1 ship per turn, +0.34 technology per turn, needs 15 technology to create. -7 food per turn, -20 currency to construct over 3 turns.
They look like these:

These units are expensive and easy to capture but have the highest technological impact. They only appear paired with a level 5 or 6 city, and have a total of 6 different units, like the city. Their bonuses and negatives are as so:
Level 1: +0.49 technology per turn, needs level 4 city to create.
-3 food per turn, -2 resources per turn, -8 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2: +0.88 technology per turn, needs 23 technology to create.
-6 food per turn, -4 resources per turn, -14 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3: +1.58 technology per turn, needs 30 technology to create.
-11 food per turn, -7 resources per turn, -26 currency to construct over 3 turns.
Level 4: +2.84 technology per turn, needs 42 technology to create.
-20 food per turn, -15 resources per turn, -47 currency to construct over 4 turns.
Level 5: +5.11 technology per turn, needs 63 technology to create.
-37 food per turn, -28 resources per turn, -85 currency to construct over 5 turns.
Level 6: +9.20 technology per turn, needs 101 technology to create.
-68 food per turn, -50 resources per turn, -153 currency to construct over 6 turns.
They look like these:

And that concludes the lengthy zones section. I promise, the other ones will be shorter.

The main aim of this game is to become the only player by conquering all other player zones. You start off by claiming 1 zone or sea zone, both of which give 1 resource and currency per turn. The cost of conquering zones is listed in the table below:
Standard cost: 10 currency, 3 resources.
Added city:
Level 1: +4 currency, +1 resource
Level 2: +7 currency, +2 resources
Level 3: +12 currency, +4 resources
Level 4: +21 currency, +7 resources
Level 5: +38 currency, +12 resources
Level 6: +71 currency, +21 resources
Added industry:
Level 1: +7 currency, +2 resources
Level 2: +12 currency, +4 resources
Level 3: +21 currency, +7 resources
Level 4: +38 currency, +12 resources
Added agriculture:
Level 1: +7 currency, +2 resources
Level 2: +4 currency, +1 resource
Level 3: +2 currency, +0 resource
Added commerce:
All levels: +12 currency, +4 resources
Added research:
All levels: +21 currency, +7 resources
Added defense:
Level 1: +38 currency, +12 resources
Level 2: +71 currency, +21 resources
Level 3: +136 currency, +38 resources
Also, technology does not matter when conquering any zone. However, if you do not have the required technology that a zone requires, it will degrade by 1 value each turn.
This is the closest thing this game is to having any board game elements, however, there are no planes as I felt those would be overpowered. There are armies and ships. A ship may carry up to 2 armies at a time, and up to 4 armies may be on a single zone at the same time. An army goes on to a boat when the boat is at the shore and the army is adjacent to the boat, and will move on to the boat over the course of the next turn.
Each additional army reduces the amount of resources needed to capture an enemy zone by 40% and the cost by 30%. A boat reduces the cost to capture in both resources and currency by 70%, with each army on the boat also adding to the reduced cost. A boat may move one sea zone per turn, and an army may move one land zone per turn.

Pollution is the nasty thing produced by industry, oil rigs (sea industry), and big agriculture. It will spread, with each point of pollution moving away from where it was before by 1 zone each turn. Also, it likes to go into zones that have less pollution than the current zone so that it will spread across the globe if you don't try to contain it. Pollution also has harming effects on the zone it is over, reducing the zone's production by 1% for every unit of pollution. So, for example, if a zone has 17 pollution on it, the zone's productivity will be reduced by 17%. However, it doesn't affect industry until 10 units of pollution and defense until 20 units. Also, the effects of pollution stop getting worse when there are 80 units of pollution on a tile.
Luckily, there are two ways to reduce pollution. The first of which occurs automatically in which a sea zone absorbs 1 pollution unit per turn if unclaimed and 1.5 (1 on odd turns, 2 on even turns) pollution units per turn if claimed. High level research bases (4 to 6) and level 6 cities will also absorb pollution. These are the amounts they absorb:
Level 4 research: -1 pollution per turn
Level 6 city: -2 pollution per turn
Level 5 research: -3 pollution per turn
Level 6 research: -7 pollution per turn

There are three types of production: resources, currency, and food.
Resources are used in the conquering of zones (think weaponry), upgrading defense bases (weaponry, again) and in supplying cities and research bases. They are also only produced by industry. Extra resources will sit around, doing nothing until they need to be used, or get traded. If you run out of resources and start having negative leftover resources, then you will go into debt and your efficiency will be reduced by 1% on all zones for every 5 resources you need.
This is the main type of production. Both cities and commerce will produce currency, with commerce being specifically designed to produce it. Currency can be freely traded with other nations with nothing happening to it. You also need currency to conquer zones as it is basically building a zone on top of someone else's. You need currency to improve anything in your nation, except for reducing pollution. If you run out of currency and begin to go into debt, your industry, defense, agriculture, and research will stop producing anything for as many turns as needed until you are completely out of debt.
Yes, food. Everyone loves food, and this means that your cities, research (the scientists live there unlike real life), and defense will need food to be maintained. The only one to produce food is agriculture, meaning that it is extremely important for the overall welfare of your nation. If you run out of food, there will be a 5% chance of a riot in any city each turn unless the food requirements are met again. Then, riots will no longer be possible and your nation will return to normal.

When a riot occurs, that zone is seized by the light grey nation Barbaria (#C0C0C0, 192, 192, 192) and counts as a separate nation. You may take this zone back like you would any other players' zone at the normal cost. Barbaria does not need to maintain its production, and has a 10% chance each turn to spread to an adjacent zone if it exists. When it disappears again it has a higher chance to reappear once conditions are met for a riot in that zone, increasing by a 5% chance each time the zone has become Barbaria.

Rulerless Nations
These nations are nations whose owners have decided they no longer want to play. These nations cannot be attacked for the first four turns they are without owners. After these 4 turns, the owner may rejoin or the nation begins to decay. The decay begins when 2 riots appear in the nation. The nation can then be attacked by others. The riots then spread until they fill the entire nation if it is not conquered.

Complete NPC Nations
These nations are owned by nobody from the start, and must obey all rules as listed above. However, they will not join alliances or make trades, so are functionally independent from the rest of the game unless war is declared on them. Each turn, they have a 2% chance to change to an "ownerless" nation.

Okay, now that I've wasted your time because you read all the tables and charts (I know who you are), you finally get to find out how a turn works! Yay important stuff!
Taking your Turn
You may only claim zones that are directly adjacent to your nation unless you are willing to pay a multiplied cost. The cost for taking a zone not adjacent to your current territory is 3 times the cost of taking zones adjacent to your territory. On the first turn, you can either choose one of these colors, or, if none of them satisfy you, you may use your own color. Here are the colors:
(taken from Bla)
When you take your turn, you should take the current turn map, and then add in your nation or do whatever action you need to do. When you take your turn, you will submit your changes to your nation in the topic on the map within a week of the round beginning, and at the end of the week, anyone who has not taken their turn will be declared inactive and the next round will begin. If everyone finishes their turns before the end of the week, the game will advance to the next turn.
If there is something wrong with the submitted maps, there will be 4 days to fix it. If everyone fixes their maps before the four days are up, the game will move on.
At the end of each turn, I will post three maps: Control, pollution, and pieces. The scoreboard will then shortly be posted and the game moves on to the next turn.
Trading is that thing that nations in real life tend to do a lot to gain benefits. Well, in this game, nations may trade as well. You may trade products, currency, food, or even zones. You will benefit from the first three, and maybe even the fourth one as well. Here are the benefits:
Food: 15% more food is generated for both nations in trade.
Currency: 10% more currency is gained by both nations, with a cap of 100, in trade.
Products: 10% more products for both nations, with a cap of 80, when in trade.
Zones: Everything in the zone will be transferred over to the receiving person over 1 turn.
Selling is a sub-set of trade in which you will receive currency for given food, products, or zones. You will benefit from all three:
Food: You will receive 75% of the value of the food in currency.
Products: You will receive 2/3 of the value of the products in currency.
Zones: You will receive 2/3 of the value of the zone (currency/turn+products/turn+food/turn)*3 in currency when gifting it to another nation.


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2012, 11:10:13 PM »
Interesting *skims through it and doesn't read 80%* seems good. But shouldn't it be called something else than Map War 3?


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2012, 11:11:18 PM »
oh yes it will be named map war C


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2012, 12:58:50 PM »
i need help balancing the structures especially since there can be multiple on one zone in this game

Level 1: +1 currency per turn, +0.10 technology per turn, needs 2 technology to create.
-2 food per turn, -1 resource per turn, -5 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2: +2 currency per turn, +0.19 technology per turn, needs 4 technology to create.
-5 food per turn, -2 resources per turn, -11 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3: +4 currency per turn, +0.36 technology per turn, needs 7 technology to create.
-11 food per turn, -5 resources per turn, -24 currency to construct over 3 turns.
Level 4: +8 currency per turn, +0.68 technology per turn, needs 13 technology to create.
-24 food per turn, -11 resources per turn, -53 currency to construct over 4 turns.
Level 5: +16 currency per turn, +1.29 technology per turn, needs 23 technology to create.
-53 food per turn, -24 resources per turn, -117 currency to construct over 5 turns.
Level 6: +32 currency per turn, +2.45 technology per turn, needs 41 technology to create.
-117 food per turn, -53 resources per turn, -257 currency to construct over 6 turns.

Level 1: +3 resources per turn, needs 3 technology to create.
+2 pollution per turn, -10 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2: +6 resources per turn, needs 7 technology to create.
+4 pollution per turn, -22 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3: +12 resources per turn, needs 15 technology to create.
+6 pollution per turn, -48 currency to construct over 3 turns.
Level 4: +24 resources per turn, needs 32 technology to create.
+8 pollution per turn, -106 currency to construct over 4 turns.

Level 1: +5 food per turn, +0.04 technology per turn. -5 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2: +25 food per turn, +0.10 technology per turn. -11 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3: +125 food per turn, +0.25 technology per turn, needs 7 technology to create.
+2 pollution per turn, -24 currency to construct over 3 turns.

Level 1: +3 currency per turn, +0.06 technology per turn, needs 2 technology to create.
-5 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2: +7 currency per turn, +0.10 technology per turn, needs 4 technology to create.
-9 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3: +15 currency per turn, +0.17 technology per turn, needs 10 technology to create.
-16 currency to construct over 3 turns.
Level 4: +33 currency per turn, +0.30 technology per turn, needs 20 technology to create.
-29 currency to construct over 4 turns.
Level 5: +73 currency per turn, +0.53 technology per turn, needs 40 technology to create.
-52 currency to construct over 5 turns.

Level 1 land: +1 unit per 3 turns, +0.13 technology per turn, needs 5 technology to create.
-2 food per turn, -5 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2 land: +1 unit per 2 turns, +0.29 technology per turn, needs 9 technology to create.
-5 food per turn, -11 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3 land: +1 unit per turn, +0.63 technology per turn, needs 16 technology to create.
-11 food per turn, -24 currency to construct over 3 turns.
Level 1 water: +1 ship per 3 turns, +0.07 technology per turn, needs 3 technology to create.
-2 food per turn, -4 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2 water: +1 ship per 2 turns, +0.15 technology per turn, needs 7 technology to create.
-4 food per turn, -9 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3 water: +1 ship per turn, +0.34 technology per turn, needs 15 technology to create.
-7 food per turn, -20 currency to construct over 3 turns.

Level 1: +0.49 technology per turn, needs level 4 city to create.
-3 food per turn, -2 resources per turn, -8 currency to construct over 1 turn.
Level 2: +0.88 technology per turn, needs 23 technology to create.
-6 food per turn, -4 resources per turn, -14 currency to construct over 2 turns.
Level 3: +1.58 technology per turn, needs 30 technology to create.
-11 food per turn, -7 resources per turn, -26 currency to construct over 3 turns.
Level 4: +2.84 technology per turn, needs 42 technology to create.
-20 food per turn, -15 resources per turn, -47 currency to construct over 4 turns.
Level 5: +5.11 technology per turn, needs 63 technology to create.
-37 food per turn, -28 resources per turn, -85 currency to construct over 5 turns.
Level 6: +9.20 technology per turn, needs 101 technology to create.
-68 food per turn, -50 resources per turn, -153 currency to construct over 6 turns.

Extra conquering cost:
Standard cost: 10 currency, 3 products.
Added city:
Level 1: +4 currency, +1 product
Level 2: +7 currency, +2 products
Level 3: +12 currency, +4 products
Level 4: +21 currency, +7 products
Level 5: +38 currency, +12 products
Level 6: +71 currency, +21 products
Added industry:
Level 1: +7 currency, +2 products
Level 2: +12 currency, +4 products
Level 3: +21 currency, +7 products
Level 4: +38 currency, +12 products
Added agriculture:
Level 1: +7 currency, +2 products
Level 2: +4 currency, +1 product
Level 3: +2 currency, +0 product
Added commerce:
All levels: +12 currency, +4 products
Added research:
All levels: +21 currency, +7 products
Added defense:
Level 1: +38 currency, +12 products
Level 2: +71 currency, +21 products
Level 3: +136 currency, +38 products
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 03:29:59 PM by Darvince »


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2012, 03:12:42 PM »
I'm stealing some of your basic ideas that I probably could have come up with independently for a game I will eventually make in python tkinter.


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #19 on: October 30, 2012, 10:27:04 PM »
bla teel your sikrits on how you draw the map war 2 maps so quicklie


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2012, 11:34:56 PM »
I didn't draw it quickly, it took many hours.


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #22 on: October 31, 2012, 04:29:57 AM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:27:17 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #23 on: October 31, 2012, 07:17:07 AM »
no it's larger due to the added complexity (larger zones required)
2304*1152 here, I made a general blan. you don't have to exactly follow the coastline, just generally because i made this in like a minute.

btw sparse islands is like the south pacific and "island" is like the island in the corner of the mw2g6 board
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 07:23:25 AM by Darvince »


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #24 on: October 31, 2012, 12:00:53 PM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:27:10 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #25 on: November 01, 2012, 07:32:20 PM »
fiahowl post your sugging progress


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2012, 05:37:03 PM »
forumbot map?


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2012, 05:42:01 PM »


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2012, 05:43:07 PM »
kol any replies to the topic yet maybe not but i saw mapwar c and wher is mwa and mwb


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Re: subject for happy forumbots
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2012, 05:44:31 PM »
map war a = map war
map war b = map war 2