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Re: Politics
« Reply #810 on: October 21, 2014, 07:39:09 AM »
What is a nation ruled by a dictator called? I think it's Empire but I can't be sure


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Re: Politics
« Reply #811 on: October 21, 2014, 08:27:03 AM »

Empire is ruled by an emperor/empress, but since they usually inherit their position and aren't elected most of them could be called dictators as well.
If it's really really big maybe you could call it dictatorfrigate, dictatordreadnought... And the small ones dictatorboats


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Re: Politics
« Reply #812 on: October 21, 2014, 08:32:17 AM »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #813 on: October 21, 2014, 09:21:00 AM »
Hitler drowning in a bathtub with a miniature Titanic could actually be an entertaining movie.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #814 on: October 21, 2014, 09:22:56 AM »
<+07:21:00 PM> Bla can't tell the difference in between warships and the Titanic, or the difference in between drowning and bathing.



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Re: Politics
« Reply #815 on: October 21, 2014, 11:17:02 AM »

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Re: Politics
« Reply #816 on: October 21, 2014, 11:17:26 AM »
yes that's how badass I am


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Re: Politics
« Reply #817 on: October 21, 2014, 12:24:22 PM »
drowning hitler on the titanic sounds like a pretty good move

Lord DC

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Re: Politics
« Reply #818 on: October 21, 2014, 12:30:41 PM »
Aww what the hell


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Re: Politics
« Reply #819 on: October 30, 2014, 10:23:53 AM »
In northern Fyn the local municipality is discussing whether it should be possible for private companies to advertize on schools and in kindergartens. A blue [right-wing] majority is for the proposal.

The mayor from the party Venstre ("Left") says:
"Children are met with advertising on the bus on the way to school, and when they go from school on the way to after-school centers, there's also advertising. I think we should also allow that on, for example playgrounds and in schools."

"The incomes from advertising should then be used by the institution, so that they for example can pay for new toys. That means the municipality will spend less money on purchasing", he argues.

Paragraphs from the article

Kol, it's remarkable what a narrow worldview it is all seen from. Advertising is everywhere else, there's no reason to question that - it's simply a reason to put it in even more places. Putting it up will give us more income to buy the stuff we need, as if it's dumped down from the sky.

Where does the money come from? There are people who have paid jobs to make advertising. But the thing about it is that it makes people who see it statistically buy the things they see, enough to make a surplus from making and putting up the ads. The money aren't dumping down from the sky but come from regular people, who are attempted brainwashed by this ugly propaganda to buy things they wouldn't otherwise have bought and don't need.

From their narrow worldview, it looks all nice and beneficial, but if you zoom out a bit, it becomes clear how ridiculous this economic system is. Get rid of advertising. Get everyone who work on it to work on the things humanity needs. We need more aluminium for wind turbines, more apartments people can afford... not capitalist propaganda in places where people don't search for products themselves. Maybe they could be the ones to actually construct the playground instead of putting up ads that fund its construction through a complex but irrational process. Accept that economic growth, if it stems only from advertising causing people to buy things they don't need, is ultimately pointless, and only makes it harder to achieve a sustainable society. Please, dear mayor, accept reality.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #820 on: October 30, 2014, 03:56:04 PM »
I disagree about the brainwashing part, and the capitalistic propaganda part. I think that in a world with products, there will always be advertising for them


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Re: Politics
« Reply #821 on: October 30, 2014, 03:58:43 PM »
In a world with any service offered, be it a single craftsperson or a multinational company, there will be advertising.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #822 on: October 30, 2014, 04:39:42 PM »
no he's $100% right u r brainwashed if u see an ad "buy JIGSAW deodorant today"

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Re: Politics
« Reply #823 on: October 30, 2014, 04:42:23 PM »
I heard that Jigsaw Spray is a good condiment for hamburgers $190 approved by A Random Hobo


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Re: Politics
« Reply #824 on: October 30, 2014, 11:58:42 PM »
I disagree about the brainwashing part, and the capitalistic propaganda part.

I think that in a world with products, there will always be advertising for them
In a world with any service offered, be it a single craftsperson or a multinational company, there will be advertising.
I think the world disagrees with you, the Soviet Union had products but no advertising before ~1960s for example. That's simply not true.
Advertising as posters, movies, etc. made with the intent to convince people to buy products, don't necessarily have to exist along with the products. They only exist because the people who make products tend to also make advertising, because it increases their income. In a planned economy you could simply create the products without the advertising, or even in a capitalist one you could ban advertising.
Maybe in a capitalist economy with banned advertising there'd still be people who try to do it, but it'd be nothing like what it is today, but in any case that's not really what I'm arguing for, I'm arguing for a planned economy without advertising.

no he's $100% right u r brainwashed if u see an ad "buy JIGSAW deodorant today"
However I never said people were brainwashed as soon as they see an ad. I'm saying the advertising's way of communicating things are so biased and subjective they're basically propaganda and attempts to brainwash people. Watching the ads interrupting movies is like watching news from North Korea, only difference being they have different agendas. Please find other places to twist people's statements with your sarcasm.

Just to clarify, by advertising I meant the parasitic kind. Like interruptions on TV, the internet, people interrupting you on the street trying to sell you phone subscriptions, or when they throw them and other ads into your letter box. (Despite the fact that I have a sticker saying no to ads, ads getting thrown in actually still make up the majority of my paper waste). The ads in the issue I linked to also falls into the parasitic category, because it uses society's resources, requires labor to make, but only serves to artificially inflate our consumption of products.

I'm not against shops having signs showing that you're entering a place where you can get vegetables or books, etc. And I also think people should be able to search for products in databases - but the key part is they're not confronted with it everywhere, but choose to search for it themselves, and the products should be described in a manner that's as objective as possible, without being tied to a goal of selling them.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 06:39:07 AM by Bla »

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Re: Politics
« Reply #825 on: October 31, 2014, 05:20:10 AM »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #826 on: October 31, 2014, 06:43:26 AM »

Mfw apparently because i have a minnimum wage job at Mcdonalds im literally a slave getting no money


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Re: Politics
« Reply #827 on: October 31, 2014, 10:40:35 AM »
you're also not supporting a family


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Re: Politics
« Reply #828 on: October 31, 2014, 11:56:09 AM »
Having to support a family =/= Slave labour


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Re: Politics
« Reply #829 on: October 31, 2014, 12:21:09 PM »

The money in the cartoon represents profits, not wages.
But yes the chains aren't necessarily accurate. I'm not really a fan of the cartoon.

For the 25 million coffee farmers in the developing world who earn only 2% of what their coffee is finally sold for (see http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php/topic,3221.msg79356.html#msg79356), or the people who actually make the Apple products in factories in Asia, or the clothes in Bangladesh (many of who are literally not allowed to exit the factories - as can be seen the last time one burned down and workers died as they were locked up inside), I think the chains make a pretty accurate depiction however, at least symbolically.

Also kol @ the cartoon being taken from Faux News radio.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 12:28:13 PM by Bla »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #830 on: November 06, 2014, 07:53:59 AM »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #831 on: November 06, 2014, 09:06:57 AM »
meanwhile in luxembourg they are drowning in wealth


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Re: Politics
« Reply #832 on: November 06, 2014, 12:23:47 PM »
Meh, this doesnt really bother me. If they can find a way to beat the system and pay less in tax then by all means get more money.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #833 on: November 06, 2014, 12:44:27 PM »
Meh, this doesnt really bother me. If they can find a way to beat the system and pay less in tax then by all means get more money.
I see. There's nothing wrong with having an official 29% tax rate for corporations except 343 selected ones who you make deals with... and trying to cover that up from the public, those who elected you, and the neighboring countries whose people pay for it. There's nothing morally wrong with avoiding paying taxes to the countries, whose states built up vital infrastructure that your activities rely on and ensure millions of people don't end up under conditions like the people during the great depression.

It is truly saddening to see the amount of apathy.

But yes, it highlights a problem; company taxes are way too easy to navigate around, this isn't the first time we see issues with transfer pricing. Nationalize the companies, make taxes unnecessary, let people have their rightful power over the economy instead of having billions upon billions being fiddled around with behind our backs by greedy parasites, only to have people go around apathetic of a situation that has huge indirect consequences for their wages, life and security.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #834 on: November 06, 2014, 05:04:09 PM »
  i heard Obama is sending troops to Africa so they can get ebola, come back to Texas and infect everyone, so Texas can't vote against him in 2016


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Re: Politics
« Reply #835 on: November 06, 2014, 11:58:55 PM »
sigh....business doesn't actually pay taxes.  Logical and rational thinking will help you go far in life as ignorance ,whether blinded by emotion or not, simply gives you a false perception of reality.  Logically thinking about the concept can not result in the wrong conclusion.  This is one out of many articles that is true in 2012, any time prior and any time after.



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Re: Politics
« Reply #836 on: November 07, 2014, 09:24:10 AM »
The trickle down doesn't happen, this has been established for a while.

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Re: Politics
« Reply #837 on: November 07, 2014, 09:41:09 AM »
Trickle down economics is bullsh*t.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #838 on: November 07, 2014, 10:15:38 AM »
The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #839 on: November 07, 2014, 02:16:26 PM »
America isn't a civilization, it never was, unless you expect the entire West to collapse in a giant ball of chaos in the next 20 years.