We don't have an inbox, per se. We receive thousands of feedback submissions every week. So while we try to review all of it, it's unfortunately not possible to respond to each piece of feedback (though as im4space mentioned, it's very helpful to link to a forum topic if you do end up sending feedback in-game).
It is most useful for getting a sense of what the community is seeing and what matters most to all of you as a whole. For bugs, it helps us notice when there is an issue affecting multiple users who may not otherwise report it on the forum.
For reporting specific bugs, it's most effective to post on either of our forums. This makes for a more prominent listing, but it also helps lighten the load for us as other users can chime in and say if they're also seeing the issue, help narrow it down, or mention if they know that it's an issue we're already aware of.
A good portion of reported bugs are issues that we're already aware of. We have a long list of minor bugs we'd like to fix, but we also have a long list of improvements and new features we'd like to add. We have to prioritize things, and of course, with a large community which uses Universe Sandbox ² in many different ways, not everyone will agree on priorities.
Sorry for the long post! Long story short, we truly appreciate everyone's feedback and reporting, and we hope you continue to submit and share. We do our best to prioritize the more serious issues and balance all of this with progression in improvements and new features.
tkulogo, I'm still a bit unsure what the issue for you was. You weren't able to edit the velocity in the motion tab?