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Author Topic: Can't open the simulations menu!  (Read 5741 times)


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Can't open the simulations menu!
« on: January 09, 2017, 04:35:38 PM »

So I have recently bought is game. As far as I can get to the game without the simulations I am loving game is perfect the graphics are amazing and it can run on my slow PC really smoothly. However, there is one bug that has been annoying me ever since I bought the game.

At the start of the game, you can complete an nitro to learn about the controls of the game. The nitro works well until you get to the part where it asks you to open a simulation. I have no idea what happens or why it happens. But, when I click of the button titled: Open exsisting simulation. The home menu disappears and then nothing happens.

If I move my mouse around the to of the screen I can see buttons highlighting but they are invisible but when I try to click on it, it just stays there. For example: When I hover over the invisible "Close Window" button and click it. Nothing seems to happen.

I haven't seen this on any YouTube videos or anything else of that sort but it is really bugging me because I didn't just buy the game to watch a the solar system spin around or blow up Earth. I wanted to test out some simulations. Every other button in the Home menu works fine. I don't really know what is going on.

Also, a quick note, when I exit the game whether it may be the little "X" on the top right or clicking the exit button in the home menu. Instead of it closing. The game crashes and says it is not responding and then requesting you to "close the window." I am not to bothered about that as much as the simulations not working though.

I hope you can help me out soon.



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Re: Can't open the simulations menu!
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2017, 05:10:45 PM »
How I'm comprehending this is: you are referring to an automatic introduction/tutorial upon first accessing the game, and not the "tutorial" button in the tab that takes you through in-game processes. If this is the case, I'm not sure if there is a way I can test or replicate this issue, because it's a one-time automatic tutorial upon first entry.

I assume you have already tried reloading the game to see if the problem persists?

Would you be able to capture and share a video of this occurrence?


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Re: Can't open the simulations menu!
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2017, 09:22:05 AM »
How I'm comprehending this is: you are referring to an automatic introduction/tutorial upon first accessing the game, and not the "tutorial" button in the tab that takes you through in-game processes. If this is the case, I'm not sure if there is a way I can test or replicate this issue, because it's a one-time automatic tutorial upon first entry.

I assume you have already tried reloading the game to see if the problem persists?

Would you be able to capture and share a video of this occurrence?


I have reloaded the game and I should have mentioned this in the thread topic but it happens outside of the intro as well so whether I am in the intro or not it will occur. I don't really know why it is happening. Also, if you need it I am using version Alpha 9.4. I have also tried uninstalling the game and re-installing it. Reseting all the settings but nothing seems to work. Again, if you need it I am using the Steam version of the game. Not bought from the actual website. I am guess that they are both the same.

Here is a video of it occurring in the Intro and it occurring outside the intro:

During the Intro:


After reloading the game and without the intro:


I hope this helps you out in fixing the problem.


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Re: Can't open the simulations menu!
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2017, 02:43:10 PM »
Thanks for the videos, very helpful.

First thing I'd recommend trying is verifying the game files. Instructions are available here: http://universesandbox.com/support/verify

If that doesn't fix it, then we'll need to see your log in order to hunt down any errors. Please see here for instructions on finding and sending your log: http://universesandbox.com/support/emaillog

Thanks! Hopefully we can get this fixed soon.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2017, 03:28:06 PM by Jar »


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Re: Can't open the simulations menu!
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2017, 03:12:48 PM »
Thanks for the videos, very helpful.

First thing I'd recommend trying is verifying the game files. Instructions are available here: http://universesandbox.com/support/verify

If that doesn't fix it, then we'll need to see your log in order to hunt down any errors. Please see here for instructions on finding and sending your log: http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php/topic,17129.0.html

Thanks! Hopefully we can get this fixed soon.

Hey again,

Unfortunately, verifying the game files did not work and therefore, I have sent an email for you to review. I believe the email I sent it to would be: support (at) universesandbox (dot) com. I had to look for it in the first link as the second link is just a link to my thread  :P. The email includes soeme breif information of the problem and a link here. It also, of course, includes the logs.

Anyway, I hope the log files help you! Have a great day!



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Re: Can't open the simulations menu!
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2017, 03:35:33 PM »
Oops! Sorry, yes that was the wrong link there. Fixed now. :)

I received your email and your log file and passed it onto the team. It's reporting that you don't have authorized access to the files, which is preventing the game files from being created and loaded properly.

Possible issues & solutions:

1. You may not be signed in to Microsoft OneDrive
-- Ensure OneDrive is signed in via the system tray icon for OneDrive

2. You may be on a limited user account which prevents the creation of folders
-- Try running as an administrator account

3. You may need to take ownership of the OneDrive folder
-- http://winaero.com/blog/how-to-take-ownership-and-get-full-access-to-files-and-folders-in-windows-10/

Also, you may be interested in setting the default Documents save location to another folder, instead of OneDrive: