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Author Topic: Problem with Moon Phases Simulation  (Read 3000 times)


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Problem with Moon Phases Simulation
« on: September 19, 2016, 01:45:57 PM »
Hey guys,

do I've been looking through the preinstalled simulations and came across the Moon Phases simulation,
but it seems totally askew.
There's a reference pic as attachment and as you can see, the full moon is not opposite the sun and neither is the new moon on the side facing the sun.
An on planet picture also shows, that the full moon doesn't really look full.
I'm playing the alpha19preview, so this might not be a problem in old installments,
but I just thought I'd let you know.


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Re: Problem with Moon Phases Simulation
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2016, 12:41:47 PM »
This sim is pretty old, and it looks like it got messed up somewhere along the line. We have a task to fix it but have not gotten around to it yet. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!