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Author Topic: Help Us Test the New Alpha 19 Preview | May 27, 2016  (Read 7433 times)


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Help Us Test the New Alpha 19 Preview | May 27, 2016
« on: May 28, 2016, 08:41:43 AM »
We're getting very close to officially releasing Alpha 19.

But before we can do that, we need help testing the latest preview build of Alpha 19.

If you’ve already opted in to the preview version, Steam will automatically download this update.

To opt in to the Alpha 19 preview:
  • Right-click on the game title in your Steam Library
  • Click on ‘Properties’
  • Select the ‘Betas’ tab
  • Set the dropdown menu to 'alpha19preview'
  • Close the Properties window
  • Steam will now update Universe Sandbox ² to the preview version
  • Once updated, launch Universe Sandbox ²

Since the last preview build we've improved the tidal heating and Roche limit effects, made further improvements to explosions, added new Physics sims, added a new Milky Way background, and fixed a ton of bugs.

When testing, please pay the most attention to the new tidal forces and explosion effects.

For a full list of what's new, improved, and fixed since Alpha 18, see our release notes.

The team will be in Amsterdam next week for the Unite Europe 2016 conference. Once we're all back we'll work on fixing any remaining issues and polish up Alpha 19 for release.

Thanks for testing and for your patience!


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Re: Help Us Test the New Alpha 19 Preview | May 27, 2016
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2016, 09:12:27 AM »
Hey guys, I know this has little to do with the actual alpha 19 but I wanna mention some things I want in universe sandbox: When your planet has a habitability of like 0.5+ have the surface turn more green, and the higher the habitability the greener the surface. Be able to change what an atmosphere is made up of, this could greatly increase or reduce the habitability. On earth when it becomes colder it seems to get more snowy and the poles expand, but when its hotter the poles decrease in size and the earth becomes more yellow and barren, could you do the space for other planets? (planets not from the solar system and the randomly generated ones) These are some of my ideas for universe sandbox, thanks for looking at this!  :D


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Ideas/Suggestions for Alpha 19 and future updates
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2016, 05:29:21 PM »
1. Add a way for us to edit land/water
    - Let us be able to change what elements are in the land
    - Let us be able to change where the land is
    - Let us color the land, water, and the atmosphere
       * Let us be able to control the tectonic plates, mountains, etc.
2. If you can, add weather/natural disasters.
    - Let us be able to start/control storms
    - Let us control the path of a storm
    - If you can, add Volcanoes, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Tsunamis
       * [SIDENOTE] Let us be able to create Ice/Any Element to dominate the poles of planets [Let us be able to turn this feature on and off...] Also, if the Earth's poles melted, then make the coasts of the world recede (If you can do this for all habitable planets, then you guys are very awesome [You already are :) 8)])
3. Accretion disks around black holes
4. Let us be able to change roche factors
    - Let us be able to control where the Roche Limit is
    - Let us be able to turn on/off the Roche Limit
5. Add different models and colors for supernovas
 This is all that I have to suggest (for now), and I hope you continue to progress awesomeness with every update! If I have more suggestions for this update, I will leave them here.  8) ;) :) :)

~~~~~~~~~~EDIT~~~~~~~~~~~ 6/12/16
1. Let us be able to move around on the surface of a planet without being projected into space.
1. Let us change the time/date of a system/simulation (For example: If I want to set the time of a simulation to some holiday, it should let us do that)
« Last Edit: July 09, 2016, 12:04:06 PM by Focusko »


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Re: Ideas/Suggestions for Alpha 19 and future updates
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2016, 05:03:41 AM »
1. Add a way for us to edit land/water
    - Let us be able to change what elements are in the land
    - Let us be able to change where the land is
    - Let us color the land, water, and the atmosphere
       * Let us be able to control the tectonic plates, mountains, etc.
2. If you can, add weather/natural disasters.
    - Let us be able to start/control storms
    - Let us control the path of a storm
    - If you can, add Volcanoes, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Tsunamis
       * [SIDENOTE] Let us be able to create Ice/Any Element to dominate the poles of planets [Let us be able to turn this feature on and off...] Also, if the Earth's poles melted, then make the coasts of the world recede (If you can do this for all habitable planets, then you guys are very awesome [You already are :) 8)])
3. Accretion disks around black holes
4. Let us be able to change roche factors
    - Let us be able to control where the Roche Limit is
    - Let us be able to turn on/off the Roche Limit
5. Add different models and colors for supernovas
 This is all that I have to suggest (for now), and I hope you continue to progress awesomeness with every update! If I have more suggestions for this update, I will leave them here.  8) ;) :) :)


What he said.

Angel Armageddon

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Re: Ideas/Suggestions for Alpha 19 and future updates
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2016, 12:55:02 PM »
1. Add a way for us to edit land/water
    - Let us be able to change what elements are in the land
    - Let us be able to change where the land is
    - Let us color the land, water, and the atmosphere
       * Let us be able to control the tectonic plates, mountains, etc.
2. If you can, add weather/natural disasters.
    - Let us be able to start/control storms
    - Let us control the path of a storm
    - If you can, add Volcanoes, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Tsunamis
       * [SIDENOTE] Let us be able to create Ice/Any Element to dominate the poles of planets [Let us be able to turn this feature on and off...] Also, if the Earth's poles melted, then make the coasts of the world recede (If you can do this for all habitable planets, then you guys are very awesome [You already are :) 8)])
3. Accretion disks around black holes
4. Let us be able to change roche factors
    - Let us be able to control where the Roche Limit is
    - Let us be able to turn on/off the Roche Limit
5. Add different models and colors for supernovas
 This is all that I have to suggest (for now), and I hope you continue to progress awesomeness with every update! If I have more suggestions for this update, I will leave them here.  8) ;) :) :)

This is a physics and gravity sim. Not God sim.

Angel Armageddon

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Re: Help Us Test the New Alpha 19 Preview | May 27, 2016
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2016, 12:56:59 PM »
Will the rings stay in orbit or will they fly away from the planet?
If so, can you fix that?


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Re: Ideas/Suggestions for Alpha 19 and future updates
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2016, 07:09:07 PM »
1. Add a way for us to edit land/water
    - Let us be able to change what elements are in the land
    - Let us be able to change where the land is
    - Let us color the land, water, and the atmosphere
       * Let us be able to control the tectonic plates, mountains, etc.
2. If you can, add weather/natural disasters.
    - Let us be able to start/control storms
    - Let us control the path of a storm
    - If you can, add Volcanoes, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Tsunamis
       * [SIDENOTE] Let us be able to create Ice/Any Element to dominate the poles of planets [Let us be able to turn this feature on and off...] Also, if the Earth's poles melted, then make the coasts of the world recede (If you can do this for all habitable planets, then you guys are very awesome [You already are :) 8)])
3. Accretion disks around black holes
4. Let us be able to change roche factors
    - Let us be able to control where the Roche Limit is
    - Let us be able to turn on/off the Roche Limit
5. Add different models and colors for supernovas
 This is all that I have to suggest (for now), and I hope you continue to progress awesomeness with every update! If I have more suggestions for this update, I will leave them here.  8) ;) :) :)

This is a physics and gravity sim. Not God sim.
I see that. But i'm just trying to give my ideas/suggestions on what they could implement to make Universe Sandbox 2 more fun/realistic. For example, you might have a problem with getting rid of the Roche Limit completely. In the Alpha 19 preview, the Roche Limit can get in the way of objects you place into orbit around an object. Universe Sandbox 2 is a simulation game which you can take control of a simulation using modern-day logic and science. You can destroy or create life, manipulate the properties of objects, etc. So Universe Sandbox 2 is a game where you,  the player, can do whatever you like, as long as it uses modern day logic and science to complete whatever you desire within a simulation. If you think you see any flaws in my suggestions, please let me know.


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Re: Help Us Test the New Alpha 19 Preview | May 27, 2016
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2016, 07:10:18 PM »
Will the rings stay in orbit or will they fly away from the planet?
If so, can you fix that?
Well, shouldn't that depend on a gravitational influence from a nearby celestial body, such as a moon or planet?


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Re: Help Us Test the New Alpha 19 Preview | May 27, 2016
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2016, 08:29:13 PM »
I think that moon of planets hate up when there at a far away distance. Jupiter's Io take one day to go around the planet and it's not a ball of molten rock burn hot white.

Niel amstronge xd

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Re: Help Us Test the New Alpha 19 Preview | May 27, 2016
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2016, 11:32:42 AM »
roche limit not works for me !!!!
i placed an moon at orbit of jupiter and ... it's temperature is after one year an -270 degrees ......


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Re: Help Us Test the New Alpha 19 Preview | May 27, 2016
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2016, 12:44:50 PM »
roche limit not works for me !!!!
i placed an moon at orbit of jupiter and ... it's temperature is after one year an -270 degrees ......
Did you turn the Alpha 19 preview on?


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Re: Help Us Test the New Alpha 19 Preview | May 27, 2016
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2016, 09:55:15 PM »
Regarding Roche limit, or at least what I think it is... but maybe more just lighting...
Black holes have a hard time reacting to the light from 1 or more bodies orbiting closely, i.e. two R136a1 stars with 2 hour orbital periods around a 10mil Sun hole. The hole will go from reacting appropriately(ish), to being a straight black dot for a moment, then back to reacting to the light.


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Re: Help Us Test the New Alpha 19 Preview | May 27, 2016
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2016, 04:59:58 PM »
For Some Reason Particles are not rendering in Alpha 19-4