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Author Topic: Customizing stars  (Read 2804 times)


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Customizing stars
« on: December 29, 2015, 04:41:39 PM »
Hi there,

I'm new at US2 and happy to be here :D
My goal with it is to create some complex systems like our Sun system.

As I already have some ideas about it I try to create something from screatch, but it result impossible to set, as example, a type F star using 'Realistic' feature.
It's looks like all settings depends from mass of the star, sometime fields blink and reset to strange values.

Speaking about mass, radius and density I suggest, regarding stars, to select one parameters to be locked and calculated, so we can mess around with the other two.
So, if I want to play with mass and radius, density should be calculated automatically and locked.
If I want to change density I must lock one of the other two before editing, let's say I lock mass, then I double density value, so radius should be half the value it was before.

In my opinion this would be nice to have and also easy to understand :)



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Re: Customizing stars
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2015, 11:54:19 AM »
Thanks for the feedback! You've pointed out two areas which are admittedly pretty broken right now: stellar evolution, and locking properties.

The good news is that we are currently rewriting stellar evolution, which will change the way properties determine classification and increase the number of stellar types.

Property locking is something we need to take a look at again. It once worked a bit better, but has fallen by the wayside while we work on other things. We totally agree that it's a necessity, though.