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Author Topic: Object Browser [Idea]  (Read 3476 times)


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Object Browser [Idea]
« on: May 17, 2015, 01:55:19 PM »
 ;D This is a coolest idea I made for Universe Sandbox ², but it only for official release (not alpha, not even beta). This idea will let you download planets, etc. in a browser and will require internet! This update can't be released until the game releases in Steam.

How does it works:
It will require internet connection. To use the browser, you can open the menu and if you check the box, the prompt message will pop up and the message show this "Are you sure to use the object browser? Requires Internet connection", When you select yes the browser logo will appear and when you click on it, it will show sun, and planets, and more! These came from website Steam Workshop. To make this update requires to use.

Why this idea needed and why you do not have much planets: Because downloading this game and the original, old planets, sun, etc. requires some few disk space and if you can save some free space, you can download some few planets to try them out. Downloading much of them like 400 planets may decrease much of your free space.

Not allowed for uploading: Language (bad words), vulgar, and/or no hateful name or description.

Re-edited for changes.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2015, 11:55:16 PM by wubbzy301 »

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Object Browser [Idea]
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2015, 08:11:44 AM »
I think you should actually verify your own words before talking like you know what's going on, instead of waiting for someone else to do it.


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Re: Object Browser [Idea]
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2015, 06:31:04 AM »
;D This is a coolest idea I made for Universe Sandbox ², but it only for official release (not alpha, not even beta). This idea will let you download planets, etc. in a browser and will require internet! If you are asking developers to make the update with this idea now, there will be not enough bytes for Dan to upload the objects. (Verify)

How does it works:
It will require internet connection. To use the browser, you can open the menu and if you check the box, the prompt message will pop up and the message show this "Are you sure to use the object browser? Requires Internet connection", When you select yes the browser logo will appear and when you click on it, it will show sun, and planets, and more! Where did these came from? Those are from this website (Yes, universesandbox.com) and they are made by developers. (WARNING: You cannot upload objects because if this was made then there will not enough bytes to be overwrite. (Verify)).

Why this idea needed and why you do not have much planets: Because downloading this game and the original, old planets, sun, etc. requires disk space and if there is enough disk space you can download objects!
I don't understand .-.

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Object Browser [Idea]
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2015, 08:45:33 AM »
wubbzy's main idea is that there should be a public database where you can upload simulations, objects, etc, like the Sp§repedia.
Which is totally unnecessary, seeing as the forum is partially meant for sharing your US2 stuff. Personally, a "Sandboxpedia" would get extremely messy, extremely fast, filling up with ridiculous garbage and trolling abominations, such as empty simulations galore.

EDIT: Never mind that. He's talking about adding a database of developer-created simulations+objects that you can access by downloading them. Also not necessary, since a whole simulation of Saturn, it's rings, AND it's moons is only about 230 KB, which is really small.

Everything else is random, probably false claims about RAM and memory storage.

Dan Dixon

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Re: Object Browser [Idea]
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2015, 07:03:55 PM »
We're planning on eventually adding Steam Workshop support... so users will be able to create and share and download simulations and bodies from inside Universe Sandbox ².

The size of the files aren't actually that big... nor is storing other users creations... the limiting factor is creating awesome content... which is why we plan to open it up to everyone and make sharing really easy.

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Object Browser [Idea]
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2015, 11:51:54 PM »
a "Sandboxpedia" would get extremely messy, extremely fast, filling up with ridiculous garbage and trolling abominations, such as empty simulations galore.


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Re: Object Browser [Idea]
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2015, 09:15:52 AM »
Gordon Freeman, thankfully content on Steam Workshop is curated by fans who have the same concerns as you, so any "garbage" would likely receive low ratings and not be much of a problem.


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Re: Object Browser [Idea]
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2015, 11:35:20 PM »
We're planning on eventually adding Steam Workshop support... so users will be able to create and share and download simulations and bodies from inside Universe Sandbox ².

The size of the files aren't actually that big... nor is storing other users creations... the limiting factor is creating awesome content... which is why we plan to open it up to everyone and make sharing really easy.


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Re: Object Browser [Idea]
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2015, 10:44:30 PM »
Yeah, I was going to say that idea was taken... Aka. Steam workshop.  Perhaps a customized heightmap database will be useful.  There are many programs that easily generate heightmaps to your custom desire, but I doubt they would work in US2 because I have a general sense that whenever I mod something it will crash and burn in my face.