I was very inspired by
this thread. So I decided to make my own game which is related to file corruption.
The objective of the game is to help me repair corrupted files on my computer. The winner wins a free sikkel. To enter the game, you must:
1: Have
Windows 7 with
64-bit architecture (you can verify both of these options in 2 and 3 if you're not sure)
2: Take a screenshot of the window that pops up if you open command prompt and type
(The top text is enough, such as the below):
Microsoft Windows
Version 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)
3: In command prompt type the following to see your architecture:
wmic OS get osarchitecture
I followed this guide (Using the checkSUR report):
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee619779%28WS.10%29.aspxThe result was 2: "If you get the Unavailable repair files message, this indicates that some of the inconsistent files found by the tool cannot be fixed as the correct versions of the replacement files are not carried by the tool. After this message appears, a list of the missing files follows."
I got this summary:
Seconds executed: 379
Found 39 errors
CSI Could Not Open file Total count: 1
CSI Missing Identity Total count: 1
CSI Corrupt Identity Total count: 1
CSI Replacement File: CreateFile Failed Total count: 8
CSI Payload File Missing Total count: 32
CBS MUM Corrupt Total count: 4
Unavailable repair files:
How do you win the game? By sending as many of those files listed under "unavailable repair files" to me you may have as possible.
How do you find those files if you have them? See "Options for obtaining files" - "1. Obtaining a file from another computer" in the guide
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee619779%28WS.10%29.aspxAlso half of those files have "Danish" in their name, so obviously you don't have them if you don't have a Danish OS, no need to look for those.
Thanks to anyone who may bother in advance. I hope you enjoy the game: I don't.