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Author Topic: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3  (Read 11373 times)


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Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:25:38 PM »
I know Universe Sandbox 3 looks outstanding from what I've seen. Many features have been included which look fantastic! And I just want to thank Dan and all the developers of this simulator.
With all the new features being added it's made me wonder about all of these features, so I made a list of questions :) And I'm sure some of these questions are on other peoples minds too

Random questions I'm curious about: (you dont have to answer all, or any, if you don't want)
(Numbered to help you answer)

1 - I know there will be supernovae, but will there be hypernovae?
2 - Along with hypernovae, will there be gamma ray bursts?
3 - I know asteroid collisions look fantastic! What will it look like when two planets collide?
4 - What about two stars colliding (to form super massive stars such as R136a1)
5 - Will comets be in the update?
6 - Will neutron stars pulsate?
7 - Will we be able to view in a larger spectrum, such as infrared, microwave, gamma light?
8 - Will planets break apart and form debris, such as Thea and Earth colliding to form the moon?
9 - Will we be able to view magnetic fields?

These are all I have for now, Just so curious sorry!
Great job again to Dan and the developers!

*More questions I have thought of*
(there are a lot I have, so I don't expect all to be answered)

10 - Will there be a larger variety of planets besides ours? Or a list of skins for planets?
11 - Will supernovae explosions all look the same, or similar, or will they be significantly different each time?
12 - Will the characteristics of a star explosion depend on the mass of the star?
13 - Will bodies stretch due to extreme tidal forces, like a planet falling into a black hole
14 - Will icy bodies (such as comets or plutoids) "grow" a tail when close to a star?
15 - Will there be such bodies as Magnetars, or Quark stars?

Thank you :)
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 12:40:58 AM by Hypernova »


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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2013, 01:51:01 PM »
You can see people? This guy is asking for information of the beta. But he cleary say what hes curious about and stuff.
Be like this guy.


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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2013, 02:51:04 PM »
You can see people? This guy is asking for information of the beta. But he cleary say what hes curious about and stuff.
Be like this guy.
I thought you freaked out because he asked more questions.


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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2013, 03:52:17 PM »
No, he's doing it right.


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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2013, 10:52:47 PM »
I only know number one.

If there's supernovae, then there will definitely be hypernovae since hypernovae are basically the same as supernoave, except even bigger.


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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2013, 03:16:28 AM »
The number 10 looks very good. Like, give you the possibility to make "planet templates" to your own use.


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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2013, 03:59:19 AM »
Most of the questions I know the answer to, since I remember Dan talking about them.


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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2013, 10:46:17 AM »
Most of the questions I know the answer to, since I remember Dan talking about them.

I emailed Dan some of these same questions, he told me if I made a forum post he would be more likely to answer that way it would also benefit more people

But if you know the answers i'd really appreciate if you posted them ^^

Dan Dixon

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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2013, 04:06:04 PM »
Answers from Eric, our astronomer, regarding our current road map. We're planning on working on Universe Sandbox for long time, so even the questions where we've answered 'nope' might someday be a 'yes'.

1 - I know there will be supernovae, but will there be hypernovae?
2 - Along with hypernovae, will there be gamma ray bursts?
3 - I know asteroid collisions look fantastic! What will it look like when two planets collide?
4 - What about two stars colliding (to form super massive stars such as R136a1)
5 - Will comets be in the update?
6 - Will neutron stars pulsate?
7 - Will we be able to view in a larger spectrum, such as infrared, microwave, gamma light?
8 - Will planets break apart and form debris, such as Thea and Earth colliding to form the moon?
9 - Will we be able to view magnetic fields?

1) yes, supernova, and why not with the hypernova
2) no GRBs
3) they will look awesome
4) not yet (this is a hard thing to simulate 'accurately', but you will be able to collide them)
5) yes
6) we will have neutron stars, but they won't pulsate
7) nope - this is very hard
8) kind of (also a hard problem)
9) nope

10 - Will there be a larger variety of planets besides ours? Or a list of skins for planets?
11 - Will supernovae explosions all look the same, or similar, or will they be significantly different each time?
12 - Will the characteristics of a star explosion depend on the mass of the star?
13 - Will bodies stretch due to extreme tidal forces, like a planet falling into a black hole
14 - Will icy bodies (such as comets or plutoids) "grow" a tail when close to a star?
15 - Will there be such bodies as Magnetars, or Quark stars?

10) yes more planets (we're working on a procedural generation system for all planets)
11) very similar, but have some random variables to change the look a bit
12) yes. not all stars explode. but the mass of the star does determine the stellar remnant
13) not yet
14) not yet, but we should do that. Georg, you're not busy, right? ;)
15) nope


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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2013, 01:24:54 PM »
Fantastic! Thank you for answering the questions I was curious about! Thank you Eric and Dan, and the whole US3 team!


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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2013, 09:17:57 AM »
Hey dan I have a few of questions, and i didn't think it would be worth making a new thread :)

1. Will we have Water World planets?

2. If these planets are placed close to a star of far away (outside the habitable zone), will we be able to see the water freeze or boil away? (im guessing this would work with planets with land and water as well)

3. What would happen to Earth if you placed it just a few thousand km away from the Sun or several AU beyond the orbit of Neptune, what effects would you be able to see (would this affect the elements in the Atmosphere)?

Dan Dixon

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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2013, 11:20:46 AM »
1. Will we have Water World planets?


2. If these planets are placed close to a star of far away (outside the habitable zone), will we be able to see the water freeze or boil away?

Working on it. :)

3. What would happen to Earth if you placed it just a few thousand km away from the Sun or several AU beyond the orbit of Neptune, what effects would you be able to see (would this affect the elements in the Atmosphere)?

It's ocean would freeze over at least... good question actually. Still working on the simulation code that will answer this.


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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2013, 09:57:04 AM »
3. What would happen to Earth if you placed it just a few thousand km away from the Sun or several AU beyond the orbit of Neptune, what effects would you be able to see (would this affect the elements in the Atmosphere)?

It's ocean would freeze over at least... good question actually. Still working on the simulation code that will answer this.

Cool, maybe this could be something to put in a video once you've got the code and graphics sorted out :)


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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2013, 04:11:22 PM »
Is Universe Sandbox 3 close to being a beta yet? I not asking for a release date I am just wondering for how much work has been done and how much more needs to be done is all. So what say you Dan, how much more dude?

Dan Dixon

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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2013, 07:04:27 PM »
We will release the beta when it's ready, and it's not ready yet.

We're still looking at months, not weeks.

And it's becoming more awesome. We're doing stuff no one else has ever done in an interactive simulator and stuff I never imagined would be possible.


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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2013, 01:19:07 PM »
We will release the beta when it's ready, and it's not ready yet.

We're still looking at months, not weeks.

And it's becoming more awesome. We're doing stuff no one else has ever done in an interactive simulator and stuff I never imagined would be possible.
Omg Dan release the beta it's probably so awesome now! Jk jk :D
But I can't wait for Ubox 3. (Not literally :P) It's probably a long wait, but I bet my bottom it'll be worth it. Thank you Giant Army for giving us the greatest astronomy software yet.


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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2013, 07:01:05 PM »
wait so if it's not worth it you're going to give your bottom away


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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2013, 12:38:39 PM »
Dan, will be incorporated into the US3 a system for insertion of artificial satellites?

It would be interesting could import the updated satellite TLEs from a text file. The TLEs can be acquired from Celestrack:

- http://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/

Some softwares can made previsions of satellites flares of a satellite to a determinated point of the globe, I suppose it can be done in US3:

- http://www.satflare.com/track.asp?q=fitsat
- http://www.satflare.com/download.php

Yet some software can forecast the date of re-entry of a satellite, just need to inform some parameters easily available.

The AGI's STK software provides good visual simulations of reentries but it is little intuitive, it would be of great interest that one software with graphics capability and accuracy of US3 could accomplish this task.

- UARS satellite reentry simulation by AGI (software STK):
NASA UARS Satellite Reentry

- Another satellite Reentry simulation by AGI (by STK software)
Satelite Re entry simulation by AGI

The STK software:
- http://www.agi.com/products/stk/modules/default.aspx/id/stk-free

There is a large community of satellite observers (that actually use some simple and not graphic softwares to make this previsions), who would be potentially very interested in these features:

- http://www.satobs.org/orbsoft.html
- http://www.satobs.org/seesat/
- http://www.satobs.org/seesat/seesatindex.html

Regards !
« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 12:48:37 PM by APODman »


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Re: Questions to Dan about Universe Sandbox 3
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2013, 09:11:55 PM »
apod that is very impressive

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