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Are you religious?

Yes, I believe in a religion with more than one god.
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Yes, I believe in a religion with one god.
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I believe in a personal god, but no religion.
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I'm not sure.
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I don't believe in any god.
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Author Topic: Religion  (Read 133242 times)


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Re: Religion
« Reply #210 on: August 07, 2014, 09:57:44 AM »
You have squandered my mind.

Well done.

I still believe in God, though.


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Re: Religion
« Reply #211 on: August 07, 2014, 10:16:29 AM »
A ha ha! This is where you got me thinking  ;)

What exactly would be the point of living if God helped us endlessly? Success would have no meaning, everyone would have everything, etc. There's just no goal to achieve anymore.

Your analogy has a flaw, though. We, humanity, are inflicting our demise on ourselves. France, in your analogy, has experienced a natrual disaster that it cannot control/has no control over. The flood in your analogy, I imagine, would be some sort of Satanic force. I would imagine God would start involving himself if this happened.

However, if France started bombing itself, why does Belgium need to do anything? France needs to start solving it's own problems, not depend on a totally unrelated country to mediate it's activity and wellbeing?

Also, if God did start helping us in (when we are in the situation we are in currently) we would start becoming dependent on him. This then leads to taking God for granted to the point we start nuking ourselves expecting him to do something about it.

See, being God and handling your Universe(s) is like childcare.
BUT do not forget God is all knowing the wisest Being next to what ever made him/her he could help us and teach us to be independent. (BTW i'm agnostic)  :)


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Re: Religion
« Reply #212 on: August 07, 2014, 10:26:28 AM »
That statement is very set-aside to other beliefs.


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Re: Religion
« Reply #213 on: August 07, 2014, 11:18:45 AM »
how so? :-X

Lord DC

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Re: Religion
« Reply #214 on: August 07, 2014, 04:49:00 PM »
I believe in science :P


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Re: Religion
« Reply #215 on: August 07, 2014, 05:05:13 PM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:16:21 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Religion
« Reply #216 on: August 07, 2014, 05:18:46 PM »


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Re: Religion
« Reply #217 on: August 07, 2014, 06:14:42 PM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:16:12 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Religion
« Reply #218 on: August 07, 2014, 06:48:08 PM »
i am of the religion of scientology it is very good sometimes i meet tom cruise he is quite nice thank you much


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Re: Religion
« Reply #219 on: August 07, 2014, 09:40:01 PM »
You have squandered my mind.

Well done.

I still believe in God, though.
yeah I did too when I was twelve.

here's something for your consideration: you said you believed that god may have created the big bang. that's a prime example of something called 'god of the gaps'. throughout the history of religion, more specific to Christianity, god has been blamed for the gaps in our knowledge.

why is there so much diversity to life? god did it.

why did all these fossilized animals die out? god did it.

where are the missing links? god did it.

the entire history of science has continually shrank the role god played in the universe to people. we now know that the diversity of life is attributable to evolution by natural selection. we know the fossilized animals died out because of an asteroid or a comet. we've found a plethora of missing links, transitional fossils.

the problem with the god of the gaps is that science will never stop seeking out and finding answers. you say god could've been responsible for the big bang. yes, this is true. she could have also been responsible for literally every other thing we couldn't explain at one point. why do wheels work? god did it.

I feel like sooner or later we will conclusively pin down the cause of the big bang, and when we do that, it'll be one more place god was removed from. the overwhelming problem with putting god in these gaps is that she's confined to a smaller and smaller box with every discovery made.


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Re: Religion
« Reply #220 on: August 07, 2014, 09:48:48 PM »
You have squandered my mind.

Well done.

I still believe in God, though.
yeah I did too when I was twelve.

here's something for your consideration: you said you believed that god may have created the big bang. that's a prime example of something called 'god of the gaps'. throughout the history of religion, more specific to Christianity, god has been blamed for the gaps in our knowledge.

why is there so much diversity to life? god did it.

why did all these fossilized animals die out? god did it.

where are the missing links? god did it.

the entire history of science has continually shrank the role god played in the universe to people. we now know that the diversity of life is attributable to evolution by natural selection. we know the fossilized animals died out because of an asteroid or a comet. we've found a plethora of missing links, transitional fossils.

the problem with the god of the gaps is that science will never stop seeking out and finding answers. you say god could've been responsible for the big bang. yes, this is true. she could have also been responsible for literally every other thing we couldn't explain at one point. why do wheels work? god did it.

I feel like sooner or later we will conclusively pin down the cause of the big bang, and when we do that, it'll be one more place god was removed from. the overwhelming problem with putting god in these gaps is that she's confined to a smaller and smaller box with every discovery made.
This is definitely a solid point, but to play devils advocate here, people will always be able to attribute God to the things that cause science to work. For example, Gravity could be explained by God creating it. When we found out it was because of mass, you could still say that God made it so mass creates gravity, and so on and so on. I am not particularly religious myself (I'm mostly in it for the holidays, lmao) but this is definitely a possibility


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Re: Religion
« Reply #221 on: August 07, 2014, 09:56:15 PM »
that is fine. they can say what they like, but if they were wise, they would learn a lesson and stop trying to insert god into gaps that will sooner or later be filled in by the natural progress of science.


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Re: Religion
« Reply #222 on: August 07, 2014, 10:00:35 PM »
I agree with you there, But I honestly say that if it makes them feel better to think that there is a higher power then all the power to them. I personally do not, but them thinking that there is doesn't effect me in the slightest.

An exception to this is if they start trying to force me to believe, or denying rights to people just because "God said so"


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Re: Religion
« Reply #223 on: August 07, 2014, 10:09:18 PM »
unfortunately, those last two things are more common than not in the history of religion.

you can't legislate morality but that doesn't stop them from trying, even now.


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Re: Religion
« Reply #224 on: August 07, 2014, 10:19:34 PM »
Very true, but in my eyes it's calmed way down, especially with the new pope.


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Re: Religion
« Reply #225 on: August 08, 2014, 12:59:55 AM »
that is fine. they can say what they like, but if they were wise, they would learn a lesson and stop trying to insert god into gaps that will sooner or later be filled in by the natural progress of science.
I don't put God in the Gaps. I try to come up with the most logical explanation (well, most logical for me). I keep God out of anything. I imagine him as not directly influencing the universe but just watching how the world plays out.

Honestly, I don't see the difference inbetween religion and science.


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Re: Religion
« Reply #226 on: August 08, 2014, 01:10:30 AM »
that is fine. they can say what they like, but if they were wise, they would learn a lesson and stop trying to insert god into gaps that will sooner or later be filled in by the natural progress of science.
I don't put God in the Gaps. I try to come up with the most logical explanation (well, most logical for me). I keep God out of anything. I imagine him as not directly influencing the universe but just watching how the world plays out.

Honestly, I don't see the difference inbetween religion and science.
the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

they are pretty different things, breh. one is based on reasoned study of the natural world, taking in data and interpreting it based on objective reality, the other is based on nothing at all. literally, belief is something drawn from thin air.


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Re: Religion
« Reply #227 on: August 08, 2014, 02:22:00 AM »
Honestly, I feel that if a god did exist, he'd probably be more of a "watchmaker", than a constant force of interference. He'd have created the universe, or whatever, and just sat back and watched how it played out, as opposed to sticking his hands in his "creation soup"


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Re: Religion
« Reply #228 on: August 08, 2014, 03:14:52 AM »
This is definitely a solid point, but to play devils advocate here, people will always be able to attribute God to the things that cause science to work. For example, Gravity could be explained by God creating it. When we found out it was because of mass, you could still say that God made it so mass creates gravity, and so on and so on. I am not particularly religious myself (I'm mostly in it for the holidays, lmao) but this is definitely a possibility
But it is also a possibility that it was a leprechaun, Santa Claus, etc. You can really come up with an infinite number of imaginary causes for anything. The problem just is, in doing that, you have a burden of proof. And when there's no evidence or reason to believe a god is the cause of x, the idea is simply worth as little as the idea it was caused by a leprechaun or flying carpet. Until you meet your burden of proof and give reasons for why the god should be the cause of x logically the default position is that the god does not exist, unless you have no problem believing in an infinite number of unjustified imaginary beings anyone comes up with and says is the cause of x.


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Re: Religion
« Reply #229 on: August 08, 2014, 10:49:26 AM »
This is definitely a solid point, but to play devils advocate here, people will always be able to attribute God to the things that cause science to work. For example, Gravity could be explained by God creating it. When we found out it was because of mass, you could still say that God made it so mass creates gravity, and so on and so on. I am not particularly religious myself (I'm mostly in it for the holidays, lmao) but this is definitely a possibility
But it is also a possibility that it was a leprechaun, Santa Claus, etc. You can really come up with an infinite number of imaginary causes for anything. The problem just is, in doing that, you have a burden of proof. And when there's no evidence or reason to believe a god is the cause of x, the idea is simply worth as little as the idea it was caused by a leprechaun or flying carpet. Until you meet your burden of proof and give reasons for why the god should be the cause of x logically the default position is that the god does not exist, unless you have no problem believing in an infinite number of unjustified imaginary beings anyone comes up with and says is the cause of x.
Like I said before, I'm not religious, but I like to play devil's advocate every once in a while, and I personally agree with you 100%. I'm just saying that religious people will ALWAYS find a way to believe in a (or many) god(s), so no matter how much scientific explaining you do there will always be something like "Well how does x work? Oh, you don't know? Must be God, then."


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Re: Religion
« Reply #230 on: August 08, 2014, 10:51:49 AM »
Like I said before, I'm not religious, but I like to play devil's advocate every once in a while
Yes yes I know :P Anyway, all good

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Religion
« Reply #231 on: December 25, 2014, 01:19:24 AM »


I never understood how lust could be a sin. It's an uncontrollable natural human behavior. You're telling us that we're violating God's will by simply existing as we are?
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 01:42:55 AM by Gordon Freeman »

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Religion
« Reply #232 on: December 31, 2014, 03:14:55 AM »
I feel like the movie 9 is an analogy for atheism overpowering Christianity.

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Religion
« Reply #233 on: January 08, 2015, 01:05:15 PM »
Do religious nuts even think about stuff

like why would god want you to destroy your child's mind by sheltering her this much


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Re: Religion
« Reply #234 on: January 08, 2015, 01:13:04 PM »
I think that looks more like a troll trying to make fun and not an actual serious person.

Anyway by now I guess most people have heard of the Charlie Hebdo shooting yesterday. Sad that religious 'morality' still turns some people into barbarians like that.

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Religion
« Reply #235 on: January 08, 2015, 01:18:02 PM »
I think that looks more like a troll trying to make fun and not an actual serious person.

There are actual people who fear damnation when they masturbate .-.

I guess most people have heard of the Charlie Hebdo shooting yesterday. Sad that religious 'morality' still turns some people into barbarians like that.

it's people like these that make you feel like defecate standing next to ice cream when you're standing next to Bla

Lord DC

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Re: Religion
« Reply #236 on: January 08, 2015, 02:13:00 PM »

it's people like these that make you feel like defecate standing next to ice cream when you're standing next to Bla
That doesn't make any sense. However, it is agreeable that these extremist religions will do nothing but bring wars.

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Religion
« Reply #237 on: January 09, 2015, 09:55:17 AM »
it makes sense in the terms that these guys are such delusional misguided morons that I'm ashamed to know that I'm one of their species


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Re: Religion
« Reply #238 on: January 09, 2015, 10:06:04 AM »
We all are a part of that species and what they do isn't a result of what you do any more than what I do, so it doesn't make sense. Belonging to an irrelevant category doesn't work like that. You could've said the same for humans vs other animals, having to be ashamed to be a mammal vs other categories and so on. That doesn't make sense. What other people from an arbitrary group does isn't your responsibility simply for belonging to it.


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Re: Religion
« Reply #239 on: January 09, 2015, 10:12:01 AM »
i'm ashamed to be life