Wow, I've got almost the same!

i got the sims 3 - I'm considering getting it, but not yet sure if I should get it.
and Simcity 4 - Yes.
and Zoo Tycoon 2 - No, but I got RollerCoaster Tycoon 3.

Spore - Yes.
Civilization IV - I got Civilization III, and have considered getting IV, but don't think I will.
Rollercoaster 3 - Yes.
Universe Sandbox - Yes.
Universe Sandbox DS - I would get it if I could.
Galactic Civilizations 2: Ultimate Edition - Yes.
Some other games I got:
EVE Online, World of Warcraft, Warcraft III, Age of Empires I, II and III, The Sims 2, SimCity 3000, TrackMania, SimCity Societies... Plus many more, but these are the ones I've enjoyed the most.