Campaign money spent by the parties at the last election

(V = Venstre, C = Konservative Folkeparti, A = Socialdemokratiet, I = Liberal Alliance, F = Socialistisk Folkeparti, O = Dansk Folkeparti, B = Radikale Venstre, Ø = Enhedslisten)
Fraction of votes received per DKK spent:
Enhedslisten: 2,6 * 10
-8Dansk Folkeparti: 1.43 * 10
-8Radikale Venstre: 1.4 * 10
-8Socialdemokratiet: 1.07 * 10
-8Venstre: 8.44 * 10
-9Socialistisk Folkeparti: 5.3 * 10
-9Liberal Alliance: 2.7 * 10
-9Konservative Folkeparti: 1.7 * 10
-9Inversed, or in other words, the conservatives got 15 times as much money to spend on their election campaign as Enhedslisten per voter, and the right-wing bloc used 63.7% of the money, but received 48.6% of the votes.