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Author Topic: Can you help me upload custom textures?  (Read 3722 times)


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Can you help me upload custom textures?
« on: February 05, 2011, 01:28:25 PM »
Hi, can you help me from making the textures to actually  seeing it in universe sandbox.  I do not have photoshop but I have microsoft paint. 


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Re: Can you help me upload custom textures?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2011, 01:30:58 PM »
Does this help?

Quote from: Dan Dixon
This is going to be much easier after the next update. Smiley

Currently you have to modify an existing simulation or save a simulation to a file and then edit that file.

Try this:
1 - Open Universe Sandbox
2 - Open "Earth & Moon"
3 - Save the open simulation: from the main menu, click "Save", then "Save Simulation".
4 - Press Alt+F to open the file tools
5 - Click "Open folder where simulations are saved"  in the file tools box,
6 - Find the file you just saved.
7 - Drag file into the box in the File Tools window.
8 - Find & open the folder that was just created.
9 - Open the 'objects.xml' file in notepad.
10 - Add this line in between the <body> and </body> tags that make up Earth:
11- Save the xml file.
12 - You can just drag the xml file into the Universe Sandbox window to open it.
13 - The Earth now looks like Juptier!
14 - To complete the simulation, drag the simulation folder that was created back onto the File Tools square to create a UBOX file with you changes.

For a custom texture:
A - Copy the texture to:
(My) Documents/Universe Sandbox/Media
B - In step 10 above change it to the name of your texture:
<texture>Gas Giant</texture>


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Re: Can you help me upload custom textures?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2011, 02:45:02 PM »
Here;s some that let you edit textures more easily:



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Re: Can you help me upload custom textures?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2011, 08:11:50 PM »
Here;s some that let you edit textures more easily:


^This. I make all my textures in Gimp.