A more formal land division creation/editing process has been made, see this:
http://blacraft.createaforum.com/land-division/The Lumaea Collective storage has been opened!
Currently there is 427 wheat and 825 sugar
Cool, I've made a sheet for it in the document here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhyGV27WETcEdHZLNHU1LWN5eEhEbVlDQ0laUWQzc2c#gid=30You could you pm me with an email that you can use to edit the Google doc? I'll add you and give you permission to edit the Lumaea sheet then. Remember to update it either whenever you store/withdraw from the storage or inspecting it so that it's updated the first Saturday in every month at 21:00 UTC.
Also remember that in the collective storage, you may /cprivate the chests. I'd also recommend to keep the collective and public storage more separated, maybe instead of every second floor being collective/public alternating, make the bottom of the building public and top be collective or something like that, or two separate buildings.
And please don't build on the horse road, it's ok if you place signs next to it, but please don't put signs and blocks on top of it. If you'd like it changed because you want a building or something, tell me. Could the farm tower be moved a bit south (maybe 5-10 blocks) so it doesn't cut into the horse road?