haha i still dont get it
1: Find, download, edit or make a texture for the body you want to use it on.
- The image should be twice as wide as long (like 1024x512, 2048x1024 etc.).
- The image should be fully used, no empty space (like a black background behind a non-square map-projection) on it. If there's empty space, it will show up on the body as well.
- .jpg and .png work.
2: Place the map in User\Documents\Universe Sandbox\Media.
3: Go to User\Documents\Universe Sandbox\Systems
4: Open a system you want to edit in Notepad, or create a new one.
- When you save a system, you should use the extention .xml in the filename.
5: Add the objects and bodies you want in your system. You can use an exsisting system for to find codes you can use.
6: As NeutronStar said, the tag <Texture>File.png</Texture> takes File.png from the Media folder and wraps it around the body with the tag. You can replace File.png with anything, you should use the name.extention of the file in the Media folder you want to use on the body.