I would like to see went a planet gets to close to a host star it forms a comet like tail form the overwelling heat,X-rays,ultraviolet and other Radiations. to see a planet falling apart or being destroyed to pieces and leave a hot core be-ind.
the star Flareups would be also to to see in Universe sandbox 3 to see a solar flare hitting the planet or planets and striping the atmosphere or surface to little or none Would be Cool!
I know this might be in the long-term of Universe sandbox 3 but just want to say a few things.
:I think to see the Heated glow of the night side of the hot Jupiter would be awesome!.:
:solar flares for the stars would be the next best thing for Universe sandbox 3 if this is possible.:
:atmosphere of planets can they change over time in millions or billions of years and see water leaving the planet over time to?: