naru and smjjames will have passed, and nue and dar will marry each other at a ceremony in phoenix. matty will travel to denmark for a kolkon meeting with bla, and jorster will found the city of jorsterton, oregon. tuto will make his way to the lost realm of universalis, and die in his sleep on a serene night. blotz will finally bring up his wpm accuracy to 21%, a great improvement from before. skirt will become a criminal mastermind and a legendary hacker for the us government, and prove disloyal to the usf community. damn dixon will release ubox alpha 22.3, before entering beta stage of development. Wonderglue is established this year. The Bishop child, leader of the Bishop family of New Reno and the son of the Chosen One, dies quietly in his sleep, having never known his real father owait woops thats 2316.