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Author Topic: rotating blackening screen?  (Read 2218 times)


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rotating blackening screen?
« on: August 13, 2014, 07:09:54 PM »
sometimes i randomly get this strange glitch going on, where i try to rotate something and the screen goes black after i let go of the left-mouse button. it doesn't even rotate.

i have a screenshot of before and after.


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Re: rotating blackening screen?
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2014, 07:15:19 PM »
sometimes i randomly get this strange glitch going on, where i try to rotate something and the screen goes black after i let go of the left-mouse button. it doesn't even rotate.

i have a screenshot of before and after.

Attach a file log (a .txt file inside "Universe Sandbox_Data") on this thread.