Ok so I have bee tinkering with this thing for about 4 or 5 hours since I got it yesterday and am working on building a mega solar system (actually about 10 of them orbitting a supermassive blackhole.
Through many trials (thousands of years, some even millions) I got a good orbit system for them but as I introduce more bodies such as planets (with and without moons) , astroids, other blackholes I tend to notice somethings eventually get gobbled up which is fine , but it seems this does not increase the mass of my blackhole(s).
Am I just not seeing the increase due to it being so minor? It's not like if it weighs 1760 suns that a 30 sun mass star shuold add much to it , but Ishuold see something. I also noticed light pulses do not get sucked in , but they DO distort if the blackhole is dense enough -- found this odd too.
I was hoping that with random placement of astroidsand what not that I could eventually build up mass within objects like blackholes or even planets that get impacted -- is that how this works and I'm just not noticing it , and if not, will it be added?
I am really liking this so far, but man I think I need to invest in a bit more ram as I get some lag after so muchon screen (but I got only 2 gbs and I run vista, so it is me not the game)
Thanks !