Universe Sandbox 1 Earth doesn't have that problem because you can't change the sea level program, there is no height map, just a color map with a static sea component, the reason the coasts are distorted is because the sea level is right between values where it would normally be a sharp line, making the program "confused" and giving effects like this, it's not that big an issue, I don't think any students are using this program to learn geography when that is not the point of this program whatsoever. The point of this program is to simulate astrophysical phenomenon. I mean, it shouldn't look completely different if it's meant to be Earth, but it doesn't have to be perfectly exact either, just as long as you can recognize it as Earth, which you obviously do, so there should be no issue here. The devs will fix it eventually, I'm sure, but that will probably happen when they know they won't have to change the system that it's based on. That might happen when we can change the textures of planets ourselves, like in Universe Sandbox 1, while still keeping heightmap system so that we can change the sea level.