TLDR : Math breaks when you enter stuff that doesn't make sense. Report with exact steps if you find these in the future.
At a certain point the equations used can fall apart when invalid data is entered.
This is a very simple example, but if there's something to the effect of c = a / ( b - 10000); And you enter in b = 10000 then the equation resolves to c = a / 0; Which will give you an invalid result. Depending on the placement of the negation, you will get either Not a Number, or an Infinity case.
This in unfortunately quite possible with equations that simulate real effects, as the values you enter are "impossible" in the real world. We need to track down all these cases and add error handling for them. It's a bit tricky though, since in a lot of these cases, there is no sound answer we can provide.
If you find cases like this, it's really useful if we can have exact steps and values entered to test with, so we can reproduce them here.