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Author Topic: The United States Is An Oligarchy And It's Not Because of Communists  (Read 2222 times)


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(hint, hint, capitalism)

Is hard-earned money an incentive for running the country? Is running a country incentive to make money in the mobile system that is capitalism? Apparently so.

Dan Dixon

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Re: The United States Is An Oligarchy And It's Not Because of Communists
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2014, 11:08:11 PM »
Yeah... fascinating study.
And it's the fault of both parties, Democrats and Republicans.

Along these lines, a highly recommended interview with Matt Taibii on why Wall Street executives can launder $850 million dollars for drug cartels and just pay a fine (no jail time), but a black man caught with a couple grams of marijuana (less than $30 worth) goes to jail.
